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New BC Broncos exhaust! Awesome!


Bronco Guru
Oct 7, 2006
needabronco said:
No, he took a 'bolt on kit' to a muffler shop to 'bolt it on' and the 'muffler dude' decided to make his own, which I can only assume looks astonishingly similar to Chucks design... I guess he didn't mind paying extra for what was already in the box.

So is it alright to take a lift to the local shop to put it on and have them fab all the parts and then send the lift back? I dont think so. Yes its only an exhaust but it is something that someone designed.


Bronco Guru
Dec 12, 2001
Buffalo Gap, Texas
I ALWAYS try to use Chuck's stuff first, even over the other bronco guys. I lost him as a close vendor (to Texas:-[ ) but that doesn't matter. He's the apitimey (sp?) of a Great Bronco Vendor, and wheeler. I wished his exhaust would fit a stock manifolded Windsor, I have that too. Chuck and his company of family members are super people. He's always done good by me and I'd say that 99 & 44/100% of the rest of the Bronco community will agree with me. Gawd, this is getting mushy!!! ;D Good luck in your new state Chuck.


Full Member
Jun 22, 2002
East Jordan, MI
kanter said:
So is it alright to take a lift to the local shop to put it on and have them fab all the parts and then send the lift back? I dont think so. Yes its only an exhaust but it is something that someone designed.

The way I read it, your going to heven and everyone not as richeous will burn.


Bronco Guru
Oct 24, 2002
Petoskey, MI

Well... It could be worse!

IF chuck viewed customers like one of the venders which uses (But not supporting) this site you'd be getting messages say'n you'll have legal action taken aginst you unless you change your opinion!!!

I have had an issue with a product I got from BC, HOWEVER I was handeled well and do not fault Chuck for the problem. He took responsibility for the issue and did all he could to resolve it.

OTHER venders just take yer $$ and forget your name as soon as the check clears! :mad:

ALL the Bronco parts guys that you see advertising on the top or side of this site are AWSOME!!! IF a problem arises they fix it, no if and or but! Sadly... :p the same can not be said for some of the otherstry'n to chissel ya out of yer $$$

BUT... I digress



New Member
Jul 20, 2003
needabronco said:
No, he took a 'bolt on kit' to a muffler shop to 'bolt it on' and the 'muffler dude' decided to make his own, which I can only assume looks astonishingly similar to Chucks design... I guess he didn't mind paying extra for what was already in the box.

No, I took the “bolt on kit” to the "muffler dude" to have all the joints welded instead of using clamps. Thanks for your help but I can answer for myself.

What happened to this board? I've been a member here for 4 years, I've learned more about working on vehicles (Broncos) here in 4 years than the other 39 years I’ve been on the planet. I’ve used the archives to find answers to questions on how to rebuild my suspension, re-wire 2 trucks, rebuild my dash, brakes, wipers etc., I’ve always found answers and constructive opinions about everything I've searched for. Seems some of you guys now days are just wandering through all the threads looking people’s balls to break, WTF? What happened to helping other enthusiasts, which is the reason I posted this thread to begin with. I researched exhaust here and the entire Internet for 2 weeks straight, trying to find the best solution for me. I though I would share my outcome with everyone to help others who might be going through what I did. Also thought I was doing Chuck a service by plugging his product but somehow in all the back and forth “I screwed him”? I talked to Chuck and his staff twice before I ordered the kit and twice after, no body directly involved has a problem with any of this so why do you? So far it’s just a pissing match between a few “Bronco snobs”, doesn’t seem to have helped anyone. Sorry I ever posted anything.


Bronco Guru
Dec 12, 2001
Buffalo Gap, Texas
Xfactor, you may have just gone about it wrong. The only fault I can see that you had was not telling that muffler shop owner to take their Sh!t back out and install what YOU wanted, not what he wanted. You don't care if they like or dislike a single exhaust, their job was to install what you wanted.
You can see by my last post that I think Chuck and his tribe are the salt of the Bronco world. I believe that anytime that anyone says anything about Chuck and company people will come out of the wood work to see what's being said about Chuch and his kidlets. I have dealt with Chuck on everything from sells, to returns (yes me too), to wheelin, to you name it. He has ALWAYS been at the top of the latter in dealing with everyone. You, like most of us, know that Chuck is, above all else, a square shooter. Otherwise, he wouldn't have refunded you money in that situation. Take it for what it's worth, "Most everyone involved with Broncos has dealt with Chuck and BCB and we are very protective of him and his reputation" I know you didn't say anything bad against BCB, it's just that it appeared that you used the product as an example to have another build something like it. As I said to start your only fault was not telling the Muffler man to get his crap out and put the BCB in like you asked in the first place. Enough said.


Bronco Kineticist
Apr 29, 2004
kanter said:
So is it alright to take a lift to the local shop to put it on and have them fab all the parts and then send the lift back? I dont think so. Yes its only an exhaust but it is something that someone designed.

One of the first rules that they teach you in Engineering 101 is to go and see if it has been done before. While I wouldn't necessarily go through the effort of what you describe above, there will definitely be things that I do on my EB build that will mimic what I see in catalogs or on other rigs. It isn't "my" design, but I don't see a problem with copying what is out there for your own rig. It saves you some coin in most cases, plus it is a cool experience to build things for your ride. There are some cases where I will use my own design (like my roll cage), but for most things, why not take a look around you and see what has and has not worked for others? Some people don't have the time or resources to go through and truly design, analyze, and test a part. But, on the other hand, they oftentimes don't have the money to purchase some of these vendor parts.

Now, if you copy something and then try to make a profit on it - that is a completely different story. That is why they have patents.


Bronco Guru
Oct 7, 2006
69Bronc said:
One of the first rules that they teach you in Engineering 101 is to go and see if it has been done before. While I wouldn't necessarily go through the effort of what you describe above, there will definitely be things that I do on my EB build that will mimic what I see in catalogs or on other rigs. It isn't "my" design, but I don't see a problem with copying what is out there for your own rig. It saves you some coin in most cases, plus it is a cool experience to build things for your ride. There are some cases where I will use my own design (like my roll cage), but for most things, why not take a look around you and see what has and has not worked for others? Some people don't have the time or resources to go through and truly design, analyze, and test a part. But, on the other hand, they oftentimes don't have the money to purchase some of these vendor parts.

Now, if you copy something and then try to make a profit on it - that is a completely different story. That is why they have patents.

I completly agree. But to buy the product, copy it, and return it is a different story.


Bronco Guru
Oct 16, 2004
This is by far the strangest thread I've ever read on CB.com. ?:?


Bronco Guru
Jul 2, 2004
I believe the post should have read: New exhaust! Awesome!, but it was implied that it was Chuck's exhaust, not "muffler dudes". I certainly applogize to xfacter if you were offended...


Full Member
Apr 22, 2005
Xfactor Didn't Have To Buy The Exhaust To Copy It If That Was The Plan There Are Plenty Pictures Of It He Could Have Used And Not Spent Money On Shipping Coast,a Two Into One Exhaust Exhaust Isn't Anthing New