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New here, need a little help. thanks


New Member
Sep 12, 2004
Hey all, i'm new here. I've got a 302 block i'm looking to put into a 4x4, and I love classic Broncos. Are there any good resources besides the for sale forum and autotrader.com that I should look at? I need something that needs a fresh engine and can drive, however I don't want to spend more than $1500. Is this unreasonable? I'm just looking to soak up information here so if you feel it may be helpful, lets hear it. thanks


Sr. Member
Jun 24, 2003
Try http://www.collectorcartraderonline.com/adsearch.html
The price of $1,500 is way low, All you will get for that price is a rust bucket, that will eat away any funds you have.

$4,500-$7,000 will get you a decent Bronco. You need to ask yourself what the rig will be used for: 1- A dedicated trail rig, 2- A daily driver or 3- Both.

Before I purchased my Bronco I asked questions & joined a local Bronco Club. Ask questions before you spend your cash.


Jr. Member
Mar 25, 2004
You could always check ebay ($1500 is still a little low). They sell cheaper there than they do around here.



Bronco Guru
Aug 27, 2001
What part of the country are you located in? In the Southeast..every once in a while I see descent Broncos around here for 1,500 to 2,500 that are driveable. If you are out West..you'll have a hard time finding anything within that price range unless it is junk most of the time. Less rust out west, means higher prices. I see a few on e-bay every once in a while. I'll keep my eyes open. Do you want something without an engine, or something that will drive now until you get your 302 built?

Good Luck,



New Member
Aug 21, 2004
Walker County
I got my '72 for $2000 - a little rusty, but all original and runs and drives excellent. I lucked out and got mine from a family friend.

However, the odds on finding a decent EB for $1500 are pretty tough. If you want to put a 302 in a cheap 4x4, try a Ranger - they can be had pretty reasonable.

Good luck.