If I read the attached article correctly it doesn't say one day a week. It says you will be able to drive weekdays. That doesn't help me much since I usually want to be out in it on the weekend and I'm sure it will increase the cost of our insurance weather you use it more or not. Not sure if it's a good thing or not?
The SEMA site says weekdays, the Oldcars site says one day per week. I
assume SEMA said weekdays, as weekends and nights are pretty easy to say you're going to a show/event. Weekdays would be pretty tough to convince anyone you are not just tooling around.
Anyway, I looked up the bill, can't find it anywhere, but it does seem they use the same numbers every year. In 2012, AB2199 was some bill on increasing fines for cell phone use.
As for Insr increase. Might be a bit more from some actually driving them more, but I'd guess 99% are just going to do what they have always done, since most didn't know there where rules about Antique restrictions since it is rarely enforced. Also, most policies limit you to 3K per year, I doubt many get anywhere near that in NJ. Just not enough nice days to put on that kind of mil on.
If it passes, the only thing that I see changing is the current usage by most, will just be legal now.