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new to the classic bronco world


New Member
Nov 29, 2004
i'm new to the EB world. just bought a 73 EB. in pretty good shape. new paint job, some mods to the engine, k bar s lift. new 35" mudders. i have some questions though. Is there a trick to starting it on a cold morning. It has started every morning but sometimes it takes a while. it has an automatic choke that works pretty good. the truck has an electric adjustable fuel pump. i was told the fuel guage did not work. last night it read half full and the gauge went to Empty and the truck died. i restarted it and it ran and a few seconds later all the electrical (radio, lights) went out but the truck continued to run. Any ideas?? I love this truck and look forward to life in the EB world.


Bronco Guru
Feb 8, 2004
tompdog7 said:
i'm new to the EB world. just bought a 73 EB. in pretty good shape. new paint job, some mods to the engine, k bar s lift. new 35" mudders. i have some questions though. Is there a trick to starting it on a cold morning. It has started every morning but sometimes it takes a while. it has an automatic choke that works pretty good. the truck has an electric adjustable fuel pump. i was told the fuel guage did not work. last night it read half full and the gauge went to Empty and the truck died. i restarted it and it ran and a few seconds later all the electrical (radio, lights) went out but the truck continued to run. Any ideas?? I love this truck and look forward to life in the EB world.

Welcome aboard. Sounds like the ignition switch was stuck between postions. It happens. It ran until it ran out of gas (electric fuel pump). I wouldnt worry unless it starts doing it frequently. Might just be wearing out

J. R.

ps - dont forget to post pics of your rig......we are all Bronco voyuers.


Bronco Guru
May 15, 2003
When I had to park my first one outside, in the really cold time of the year, I would put one of those little magnetic heaters on my oil pan. It helped quite a bit on those 20 degree mornings.


Old Guy
Dec 13, 2002
tompdog7 said:
I love this truck and look forward to life in the EB world.
Sounds like you're already experiencing life in the EB world!!! ;D

First, congrats on your purchase, and welcome to the Board!! Become a contributor and post pics of your Bronco. We all like pictures!!

The automatic choke has an adjustment. Pull off the air cleaner and look on the passengers side of the carb. Should be a big black knob-looking thing with markings on it for leaner and richer. Adjustment is pretty much trial and error. On a cold morning, before trying to start, remove the air cleaner, and accuate the throttle linkage one time, as if you were trying to start the engine. You should see the choke plate close part way. If you loosen the three screws around the black choke adjustment, you can turn the adjustment to cause the choke plate to open or close more. Use small adjustments, like one notch at a time.

It also sounds like you have typical electrical harness problems. Remember, your harness is 32 years old! :eek: Look for loose or coroded fuse connections, or loose connections anywhere.


New Member
May 3, 2004
Fayetteville, TN
tompdog7 said:
i restarted it and it ran and a few seconds later all the electrical (radio, lights) went out but the truck continued to run. Any ideas?? I love this truck and look forward to life in the EB world.

I had by ignition switch go bad on me, the EB ran perfect but there was no radio lights and such. This might not be your problem but it could be a possibility. HTH.


Full Member
Nov 15, 2004
Fort Bliss, Tx

tompdog7 said:
i'm new to the EB world. just bought a 73 EB. in pretty good shape. new paint job, some mods to the engine, k bar s lift. new 35" mudders. i have some questions though. Is there a trick to starting it on a cold morning. It has started every morning but sometimes it takes a while. it has an automatic choke that works pretty good. the truck has an electric adjustable fuel pump. i was told the fuel guage did not work. last night it read half full and the gauge went to Empty and the truck died. i restarted it and it ran and a few seconds later all the electrical (radio, lights) went out but the truck continued to run. Any ideas?? I love this truck and look forward to life in the EB world.

yep EB do that from time to time. sounds like you got a good deal. hope you enjoy it. what type of carb are you using holly, edelbrock? I find that edelbrock are very tempermental on cold days.
Oct 4, 2004
If you continue to have problems on cold days a block heater is cheap and easy. If comes in handy on cold days here( when i say cold I mean -30)