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Picked up a 71 a few mnths ago but just took the cover off it this week. Had to get the kids 65 Jeep P/U going first. Anyway, I need to start on the 302. My plan is to rebuild it but I'm looking for a vidoe guide. Anyone ever seen one?
The 302/351 is like a Chevy 350....about the easiest engine there is to rebuild. If you have never rebuilt an engine get a book, if you have, just get a list of torque specs and you should be fine
there is lots of videos on the net. the powerblock on spike tv dose a lot and there normally go through step by step.
i love building engine's its my 3rd love im blue printing one right now for the first time....not going well lol
but just your basic rebuild is easy to do.
and welcome to the site!!!
Hey thanks for the insight. My intent was to build a 351 on the side after I determined what condition this 302 is in and if it's OK I'll keep it running long enough to get the 351. Can't really afford to rebuild two. I can turn the crank by hand but really don't know what this mothers been through. I will post some pics tomorrow.