Jr. Member
We never got out of the truck. Just set there on the tracks freaking out
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Present sir..... ;D
I've seen it. It's pretty creepy. It was when I was 17, a buddy and I were headed out to Reader to deer camp. It was dead on midnight when we crossed the tracks. Just for giggles we stopped, and sure enough there was a light coming at us up the tracks. then it disappeared, and showed up again on the other side of the truck as if it passed right through us.
If that were closer to the park I'd be up for that!
It looks to be an hour from the park, then a 2 1/2 mile walk into the woods...
I was thinking the 1.5 hour drive to Reader, sitting in the truck and watching for it experience lol. I've never even been to look for the one in OK, and lived not too far from it for 18 years.
Parking lot pic!!!
Not enough service....
Too quiet in this thread.............I'm getting antsy and ready for tomorrow morning to get here!
Skiddy and his brother in this year? Can't think of his brother's username.