Jr. Member
Keep the pictures coming
Not going to make it this year2nd one to miss in 10 years, missing everyone bad
My brother John (76oneton) should already be there. look forward to drooling all over the cool pics
See ya for dinner tomorrow
Awesome, can't wait to see everyone. I should be arriving tonight. But wish me luck! I'm driving the entire way.
Had a trailer tire blowout and then my transfer case crapped out on the tow rig. Stuck outside of Dallas getting repairs. Should be in tonight.
I see that the temperature is 71* in Hot Springs right now......that sure would have felt good on a couple of those afternoons!!
Met a lot of new people this year, what great crowd! I see that the temperature is 71* in Hot Springs right now......that sure would have felt good on a couple of those afternoons!!
ole bolt breaker strikes again? What happened this time?