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Original Bronco as an investment


Jr. Member
Dec 16, 2015
I have a pretty original 69 Bronco, the only mods are the lips of the rear fenders have been cut. No real rust to speak of, floors have surface rust. It still has the flip down plate rear tire mount on the pass side.

I'm in California so prices are insane, yet lots of cars are sold to be shipped to other countries. We don't have rust issues etc.

Where does everyone think the global market of EB's will go? I don't need the money, I have another Bronco more aligned with my needs. Mechanically all done updated. Efi, wiring lift gears etc.

Will EB's prices continue to go up? I'm in my late 30's with very young kids so an EB checks a lot of boxes for me. .my friends and their wife's . and my wife.. the kids love it.. everyone does...

I don't need the money.. Space is the issue.. Could a stock EB become significantly more valuable? More than 15k cash today?

Are we at the peak.



Bronco Guru
Nov 11, 2007
Yes and no. Yes in the near term of "years". Probably no in the term of 50 years from now, I think the EB fad is just that, a fad because all the other collectables are taken. As soon as the EB peaks, the next big thing will come along. Probably 90's pickups.

I plan to finish my build, enjoy it a few years, then trade it partially over to an RV to retire in....


Red Head Grease Monkey
Jan 23, 2002
Stockton, CA
I have a '67 just like yours. Original except for the rears being cut. I bought it from the original owner who lives in my neighborhood. I paid $15k. If I put it up for sale I'd ask $25k and wouldn't take less than $20k. Will it ever go any higher? Probably not. I don't see it being a $30k-$40k vehicle ever.

You bring up the same argument I do about things. I have ten cars, I like to tinker, I'll never get to all of them. Friends ask me why I don't sell half of them and use the money to restore the others. The answer is it's a hobby. I like to tinker. I have the room. I don't need the money. I amassed a pretty impressive video game collection during my teenage years and into my early 30s. Haven't played video games in years. I own some pretty rare games. If I sold the whole collection I'd probably make $5,000. They sit on a shelf, I never play them, but they are mementos of a period of time in my life. I don't need the money. I honestly think I'd regret selling them even though I don't play them. If I needed the money they'd be gone. I don't, so they sit. I see my classic cars in the same light. As long as they're not a financial burden, I enjoy hanging onto them, and have the room, they'll stay until I feel the time has come to sell. I won't sell just because the Bronco market it hot right now.

Consider the same things and the answer will come to you. You say you have a space constraint. What will take up the space if the Bronco is sold? Will that bring you as much joy or hobby enthusiasm as the Bronco currently does?


Sr. Member
Oct 25, 2016
I agree with Justin. Broncos happen to be very hot right now but they will likely come down in value at some point. The classic car market tends to follow a curve based upon age of the vehicle and the age of people that can buy them. People mostly desire cars that they have nostalgia for - like cars that were around when they were young. Right now 60s and 70s Broncos and trucks from that era in general are hot. At some point it will be 80s and 90s cars that will peak and 60s and 70s will taper as 50s and older have already tapered.


Sr. Member
Jan 18, 2012
Sure we have all seen what we think are over priced broncos. Most of us here buy a cheap bronco then spend a ton of money and more important our time and effort to fix them up.
These pages are full of guys that spend years working on them. The majority of people don't have the skills, tools, place and time to build a classic car or truck. It's a good thing broncos are loved by so many.


Sr. Member
May 2, 2016
Generally speaking vehicles should not be looked at as an investment, exceptions are quite rare. As has been mentioned, valuation goes up and down and timing the market is impossible, as is guessing what will go up. As with all collecting (coins, toys, comics, etc.), buy what you like and enjoy it - NOT because you think it will go up in value. I watch American Pickers and you see time and again just because something is old doesn't mean it is worth anything. Look at the auto auctions and you will see tons of cars that have dropped in value over the years because like the guys said, most of this stuff is a fad. The tail end of the market winds up being the super nice stuff that is either a time capsule or a flawless restoration.
With all that said, the EB is hot right now and it doesn't look to be cooling off anytime soon. Enjoy the ride (pun intended) and hopefully when you are ready to move on you sell it for more than you have in it - that's all you can hope for.


Sr. Member
May 14, 2011
Santa Barbara, CA
My uncle sells classics, mainly to international buyers. Yes, the bronco is hot right now. Will it continue? Probably for a couple years. But is it a worthy investment financially? Probably not, especially if you sit on it. Buy and flip now if you want to. But they will probably sit around $15k indefinitely. Financially, your money's better spent in the housing market, especially in CA.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Squirrel Watcher
Sep 15, 2016
Generally speaking vehicles should not be looked at as an investment.

Nailed it!

If you don't plan to restore it or upgrade it, you have another one and you need space, I think this is a really good time to sell it and start college funds for those kiddos.

How much money do you have in it?


Bronco Guru
Feb 24, 2002
Your supposed to be selling now. Its hot now. Been hot for 2 years maybe last another couple of years and will drop significantly just like any other fad. Broncos are not rare and will hold some price but the high end will fall like a brick. Now if you can find a cheap Stroppe I wouldn't pass that up.

The trick is to buy the next fad now so when it becomes hot your ready to sell. You never buy an investment when its price is high. Buy low sell high. Never buy an investment you can fall in love with because when the time comes you won't let it go. Buy something you hate like a Chebby.

In the car market it would be probably FJ series land Cruisers. Far out maybe the more recent land rovers but it is still a stretch if the more modern cars will make the leap.

The old car market is dying here as the younger generation is not picking up the baton and running with it. Go to any parts swap-meet and compare the generation gap between the people looking at parts today to those buying parts 10 years ago. The 20 somethings just are not there like they use to be.

Our fad is changing directions in a wholesale way and I can't tell where it is going. I go to allot of swap-meets and the sellers are starting to really complain about the customer numbers. Its evolving and will be interesting where it ends up 10 years from now. This is my California vision your mileage may vary.


Full Member
Feb 6, 2017
Westlake Village
I agree with all the guys here, in the end just like anything else it is Supply and Demand that will drive the pricing and they wont be making any more, so long term it will never hurt to hold onto if you can.
I bought my EB because i always wanted one and I also like to tinker around and fix things myself. One thing on any newer vehicle these days is that they will always depreciate every year and i know that my EB might fluctuate in price but it will never drop like non classic cars and best of all you get to drive and enjoy it.
My girls love driving around in it and i get more looks and thumbs up than any sports car around.
My 2 Cents..


Bronco Guru
Mar 15, 2012
I loved my EBs for what they can do. Small 4X4s captured the imagination of people like me who love truly getting away from civilization, or more correctly people. I tolerate big cities but I don't like them. If EBs are a fad, I hope it ends soon. Exploring, hunting, fishing, and camping would be cheaper. I know places where you can see 50 mi. with no sign of people in any direction. These are the only places to find real freedom. Fads are as repugnant to me as political correctness is.


Bronco Guru
May 22, 2003
Generally speaking vehicles should not be looked at as an investment, exceptions are quite rare. As has been mentioned, valuation goes up and down and timing the market is impossible, as is guessing what will go up..

If you need the room and no real plans for it. Then Id look at selling soon. Its no Cobra jet, Shelby, Boss or a Stroppe then investment value is really not there. As was said you cant really tell what the market will be but you know what it is right now. I think the market has pretty much topped out and may be on a slide with the exception of modded or resto mod build broncos. But I haven't been in the market so I'm probably wrong. But I don't see it going up any great deal in the future for a "pretty original 69" as in the future the high end broncos being built and sold now may be on the market as well which could drive prices down. All kinds of things can affect the market. Just one is oil. When the price goes up again old vehicle prices tend to go down. Sooner or later the fuel price will go up so its just a matter of timing.
Its a hard thing to bet on but really Id say the market may not be there in the future at least not on the up side. Getting $15K today would be better than $15K in 10-20 years.
If it was 100% original in perfect or close to perfect unrestored condition then it would be worth betting on as a investment in the future even as a base model. but otherwise I wouldn't bet on it.


Jr. Member
May 19, 2017
If your family loves it, keep it. The resale value doesn't matter if you get to enjoy it with your family. When you get tired of it move on. My 1st car was an early bronco, so I'm attached to them. ( just saw it sold, I guess I'm a little late).