So the Painless is less finished but cost $300 more?
Yep. Plenty of reasons, but on the surface it does seem like the Centech gets the nod for bang-for-the-buck due to the nice taping job.
But some of the reasons that come to mind right off top for the Painless cost are:
1. TXL wire is more expensive.
2. Ford factory colors are more expensive.
3. More wires (a LOT more) is more expensive.
4. Bigger, fancier, weather-resistant fuse box is more expensive.
5. Comes with a new glove box liner already cut for their fuse box.
6. Comes with the small panel for covering up the firewall holes in '66-'70 models.
7. An 83 page manual is likely more expensive that that "brochure" that passes for instructions from Centech.
8. More factory style connectors come with it. Including multiple choices for the steering column.
9. The very large Painless organization and multi-step distribution policies are usually more expensive for the end-user than is a small company selling direct and through small distributors.
Probably more reasons too, but that's just off the cuff. It's still a matter of whether that stuff is worth it to the individual buyer or not. The Painless is an overkill setup in some cases, but not in others. And the options are practically endless.
My personal favorite feature is the factory colored wires. I'd pay more for that, but yes, I still hate that it's overall so much more expensive than the others are.
The centech being already taped up (very nicely done as well in fact) is great, but I end up cutting the tape in several places to re-route the wires to where I think they should be anyway. So even though I've done more of them than the other brands, I kind of prefer the un-loomed harnesses so I can make my own bundles/branches to go where I want them to go and around any new features that were not on an original Bronco.
To your actual question, I'd have to say that even with having to modify the taped sections sometimes (you may not have to) the Centech would probably be considered "easier" by most.
Just for truth in advertising, I sell all four mentioned (Centech, Ron Francis, American Autowire and Painless) and each has their advantages in one way or another.
Quality has never been an issue with any of them. All use good wire, all have the functions of the wire printed on them, and ALL are better than the stock stuff they're replacing!!!!!
Good luck with the decision.

Oh, and the 10-hour install time as well.;D