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Pic of Sniper wiring harness, showing built in FP relay and wiring


Bronco Guru
Aug 26, 2003
Searched all over the web, but can't find the exact details
on this relay (instructions that show FP relay wiring are vague).

I don't have a Sniper yet, and want to pre-wire as much as I can.
I just don't want to buy the system a year ahead of time and find
out something does not work, that long after buying it.

I bought a seperate relay/fuse box, and want to use a relay
through that box, vs the one that comes on harness, but
would like to see exactly what is going on there first.


Bronco Guru
Dec 13, 2012
If I remember correctly, there is an Inline fuse for the main power direct to the Battery. I don't remember there being a Relay??? Unless, as you say, it is "Built In".

You will need: Constant Power, Switched Power and Tach Signal from your Bronco harness.

You can ask the tech dept. at Holley/Sniper. They are very good.


Bronco Guru
Aug 26, 2003
If I remember correctly, there is an Inline fuse for the main power direct to the Battery. I don't remember there being a Relay??? Unless, as you say, it is "Built In".

You will need: Constant Power, Switched Power and Tach Signal from your Bronco harness.

You can ask the tech dept. at Holley/Sniper. They are very good.

Pg 16 shows the 7 pin connector


but only 6 wires on connector and then a blue wire that
runs from what looks like a relay to the FP.

Pg 17 shows

Terminal C, Blue Fuel Pump Output (+), +12v Fuel Pump Supply from Relay

Does that mean there is an internal relay somewhere
that you can power pump direct?


Bronco Guru
Nov 12, 2011
Here's a few pics of my set up. That harness has the main wires that go to the battery and the main fuse and fuel pump relay are tied in there as well. They are on the left there in my pictures.
The fuel pump relay has a really long blue wire that you run direct to the fuel pump, it is plenty long enough to reach just about anywhere. The sniper computer controls the pump relay.
the two relays on the right I added to supply clean 12v power to the distributor and for the key on power source to the sniper unit. they are triggered by the original coil wire. You'll notice the extra blue, yellow and white wires I added there running along the sniper harness.
In all it was pretty simple to hook up... a positive and and ground to the battery, a wire hooked to keyed 12v source and another for the ignition coil signal. tie in the fuel pump, hook up the sensors, plug in the handheld and that's pretty much it.


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