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plastic glove box


Sr. Member
Apr 19, 2006
i got into my glove box after sitting all winter and it looked like i wasnt the first, my registration, insurance card and someother papers was now a mouse house. i cleaned it out and unbolted the box and pulled it out thru the opening. time for a new one. a plastic one arrived with hole in side for fuse panel. tried to push it in thru box opening, would not fit, looked like stuf in way to push up from behind dash, got out my die grinder with cut off wheel and cut flat corners about 2 inches, cut curved corners to bottom of curve, tried pushing in again from front and it popped right in, bolted in,done, no need to take out door or striker. on the old box the fuse panel went into the hole in old box, in new box panel does not. must put screw in top hole and use pencil grinder to make bottom hole line up. it sounded like you ordered box either with hole or not, mines a 74 dont know about other years but doesnt fit my panel. maybe a redesign needs to be looked at. any cure for making panel fit hole.


Bronco Guru
May 22, 2003
I reused the old metal reinforcment off the old glove box on my plastic one worked out good. Might work even better if you have to do any trimming as it gives you a template.


electron whisperer
Aug 23, 2007
I had to do some trimming around the fuse box hole as well.


Dec 11, 2009
So Cal
I just put a plastic one in - after I had removed and repainted dash AND had reinstalled it. Got it from Bronco Graveyard.

It goes in with a little work from underneath and up behind. Don't be afraid to bend it to get in, I think that's why the original was cardboard.

The new plastic box came with 2 brackets. There is only one way the fuse box and brackets to hold it fit together and assemble into to glove box.

One bracket did have 2 bendable metal prongs which I flattened as the screws were enough.