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Purchased Grimlock97's 71


Jr. Member
Aug 16, 2010
Sooo sitting in living room disassembling doors, Surface rust inside with some of that wonderful green fish and game paint. Funny how i found out it was a fish and game vehicle one of the guys i worked with saw it and stated he drove one till 1980 but they were this ugly green color..hehe well popped hood and he started laughing. Under the hood is still green.I have nothing but time will prep for paint that is down the road. nice shape surface rust is about it.Tailgate was another story why people just paint over rust.Po to Grimmer but i suppose he did a good job of keeping it in stasis. Any input on doors would be appreciated i.e breaking it down and reassembly.


Mar 8, 2007
Congrats on the purchase. In the living room? :) No wife I take it, lol ;)