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Quarter panel problems


New Member
Jun 15, 2005
I am in the process of replacing the drivers side rear quarter and most of the inner panels behind it,and also the striker post.I am using all JBG parts and most have fit pretty well with some trimming.I braced the door opening well before I removed the panels.I have everything behind the quarter back in place and it fits well.When I put the outer quarter panel on to test fit it I am having trouble getting a consistent gap at the door.The gap at the top (top part of door to upper rolled part of quarter panel) is fine.This part is the original part of the quarter which was undisturbed.The gap at the bottom of the door is acceptable but could be better.The problem is in the middle, where it narrows to about one sixteenth of an inch.I need to get at least another eighth of of an inch clearance.The door opening measures a consistent 38 and seven eighrths at the top and the bottom.Can any of you expert body guys give me any ideas of how to squeeze another eighth out of this opening.Iam desperate.Thanks for the help in advance.


Bronco Madman
Jul 30, 2001
I have used short pieces of wooden 2x4s and a big hammer to make door openings work. Just place the wood where you need the space and pound on the wood with the hammer.

Sometimes or most, The obvious doesn't really work, measuring is good but not always consistant. It's best to fit it with the door you're going to use.

It may be the door that's off.


New Member
Jun 15, 2005
Thanks.I was hoping to avoid beating on it,but that may be what it takes.Does anyone have any other ideas?