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Radiator Hole..


Jr. Member
Oct 31, 2002
Richmond, Virginia (Home of Duke's Mayonaise)
I was just pointing out to my paint guy that my (aluminum) radiator looks to have been painted by some dufus- and that iit seemed to be running relatively hot-

( like pulling on the "i'm an idiot" t-shirt, eh?)

well...I havent driven her for but about 3 weeks since purchase last fall,and so havent really gotten down to checking much out on her. I was more interested in looking for rust- so I missed the big HOLE that he next pointed out to me- in the front driver's side bottom corner of the fins- about the size of a golfball- a hole which someonehad taken great pains to seal off from the rest of the fins- THERE goes a core or 3, huh?

This is purely a street ride- and so I won't really be in mud... sand at the worst- and infrequently..

The Exp is an automatic ( longing for my ole 3 on the tree) so does it have a transmission cooler built in to the radiator?

So- should I have it re-cored- or do I buy a new one? I was reading some of the alum. vs. copper posts and see that I JUST missed the 10% off sale at Summit- darn!
I really don't know much about this- so is it true that they replace just the fins and re-use the right and left side? Is there any way to check and see if those parts are OK too?

All hail the Bronco Gods- before whom I now bow down-
as alllways- A in Va.


why bow to a bronco god? nickmyron is soon to be a god it means nothing!!! "most" only know how to pad posts, or type on a puter "most dont know their ass from a 7/16 open end. Its like a warm fuzzy it or Gray Davis in calif. their all morons "most of them annyway" yes their are some gods that know what thier talkin about but not many! no offence nick I feel it is a stupid system and you are my hero for trying with a lack of how stupid stuff works.


This system gives no!!! credit to members that do all their own work and if you did not do it how can you be proud of it? Never bow to a unearned "god " such a stupid term. Pissed me off and its not even 7 o'clock am


Bronco Guru
Jul 28, 2001
[quote author=rocket dog link=board=5;threadid=20717;start=0#msg159560 date=1060264278]
why bow to a bronco god? nickmyron is soon to be a god it means nothing!!! "most" only know how to pad posts, or type on a puter "most dont know their ass from a 7/16 open end. Its like a warm fuzzy it or Gray Davis in calif. their all morons "most of them annyway" yes their are some gods that know what thier talkin about but not many! no offence nick I feel it is a stupid system and you are my hero for trying with a lack of how stupid stuff works.

You callin me a moron? :mad:


I SAID" MOST" if the shoe fits wear it if not than dont!


Bronco Guru
Aug 14, 2001
Ingram, Texas
All of the other things you said is your opinion and you are entitled to it but I am offended by your comparing any BG to Gray Davis :-[


that is calling sombody realy low . and a bit strong . I have been watchin some of the "gods" for years and some need a good kick . hi chuck


Bronco Guru
Jul 13, 2001
My opinion: if its not overheating and your not running it hard(street use) keep your eye on it and run it. To check for internal tranny cooler see if the tranny lines run into it. A phone call to a local radiator shop can answer your questions about having it recored.

I kinda mostly agree with the "god" thing but Im just going with the flow. :p

so ease up man, its a web forum, you know. ;D
its all about helping the next guy out be it some are "morons or wizards" its all good and everyone helps with their point of view. Take it for what its worth. If someone who dosent own a screwdriver comes here and asks a million questions about his bronco and gets a little knowledge our job is done !


I hate to see any row plugged off. One or two maybe. At least you know it is there, if it doesn't leak and overheat with the way you drive it then no problem. If it overheats you know where to start looking. Had a radiator with 9 rows plugged off, didn't think it should cause a problem. Kept taking it back to the radiator guy telling him he was not cleaning it right. Ended up counting the number of tubes (99). 10% loss right there. New core and no problem. Good Luck


Jr. Member
Oct 31, 2002
Richmond, Virginia (Home of Duke's Mayonaise)
Re:Radiator WHAT IS A SCREWDRIVER anyway?

( thanks jeepster and bert :)

First of all -I know what a screwdriver is. It's when you buy a car from someone who hasn't the cojones to be straight-up about what they're selling. (bahhhhD kHar Although I blame myself- I was so rust-obsessed- and I managed to find a solid clean truck. So the hole is no biggy- I just don't want a cracked head to go with it. My first ('71)was totalled - hit and run- where it sat parked one night soon after I had finished the resto. and finally installed a softtop.WahHHH! I can cry- I'm a girl- but I haven't yet.

It DID suck though.

Secondly- my homage to the bronco~gods is a little thing I do in thanks for the help I've been given- ( I don't even mean the literal gods- I just mean the people that post helpful stuff- go back and read some other bs silly q's I've posted- jussst a habit fellas- can I sell you some 'anti-twist' for your panties?
whew! I was jusst trYinG to saY something NiCe ! :) :) :)

OK as to the radiator Q.... Um- the reason I ask is that I am getting ready to install the (supposedly 'factory') A/C.. and so I figgered if the truck was already running a little hot- and it looks like a fairly good sized hole to me- won't the A/C pump up the temp even morrrre?

And as to the new vs. re-core question- it was a plea for opinion... I can afford to buy a new radiator- though if I opt to save the bucks and re-core what is the comparative life expectancy??

I hope the littlle storm has settled down now- come on yall-
Don't be Hatin' !



Bronco Guru
Jul 13, 2001
73exp a recore should be a good as a new one......go with what you can afford.


If you are going to install an A/C system it would pay to make sure the engine cooling system is first rate. Yes the A/C will add some heat and if the cooling system is marginal your A/C will not work as well at lower speeds (mph). IMHO plugging off rows in a radiator is just the quick, cheap way out. It may work for a while but you can bet thats where the next problem will be.