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rear axle WMS

Air Hog

New Member
May 21, 2009
I found aD 44 rear end that has a disc setup says it was for a 4x4 project, its 60" WMS
6 on 5 1/2 bolt pattern, is the 75 Bronco the same on length, and can the hub be changed back to a ford bolt pattern, seller wants 350 for it, thanks


Bronco Guru
May 22, 2003
Im pretty sure the bronc rear axle is 58" WMS. As far as bolt pattern will I'm sure it could be changed you would need new axle shafts and rotors. For all intensive purposes the D44 is a weaker axle than the ford 9in and rear disc brakes are really not needed in most cases.
Anyway you look at it getting it changed over to match your broncos bolt pattern plus cost of the axle plus is it the correct gearing for your setup? All this adds up to way more than its worth and way more than a kit to convert the bronco 9in to discs. with a 75 axle the kits are usually a direct bolt on deal.