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I am curious if anyone has worked on one of the Dennis Carpenter Reproduction Bronco Body's? I am considering going this route after talking to several body shops about the cost to fix my Bronco body.
They still aren't available yet and the one guy who was able to get his hands on one said it wasn't even close to what he expected. It needed lots of work.
Thanks for the replies. Dennis Carpenter said they are shipping them now. If you put a deposit down now, they would ship it in Feb. 2017. Of course they said the quality is excellent, but want to see if that is true.
Jeffs Broncgraveyard got one this summer you can call and ask them what they think I looked it over and it seemed nice and straight and a good start. I do not intend to start doing tubs yet I think I will do two in January for myself my metal man is finishing one complete tub and two from the door striker forward all new metal so doing the two will give me better control.
JFB Restorations in Joliet here received a tub and made a bunch of notes as to what else needed to be done to it so that it was as close to the original as possible.
JFB Restorations in Joliet here received a tub and made a bunch of notes as to what else needed to be done to it so that it was as close to the original as possible.
Any idea what those notes entailed? Curious how close they are to acceptable out of the crate? (I know that is a tough question based on what each person views as acceptable)
JFB is on here, send them a PM is the best I can advise. I'm not sure if he was sworn to secrecy with the notes he took. I stopped by the shop and took a look at it myself. I haven't seen version 2.0, but the original looked good.