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Scam alert


Bronco Slave
Dec 26, 2011
I have more questions than answers.
I was about to create a new post about buyer/seller protection but this seems like a good place to start. I am interested in buying a 68 from another forum member. The bronco is across the country in Las Vegas and I can not inspect it myself. I looked into https://www.autoappraisal.com/index.htm but they have terrible Better Business Reviews and Quoted me an absurd amount to do the inspection. I kind of decided to bite the bullet and possibly buy without inspection but not sure how to do the purchase. What is the best way to not get scammed/protect each party as far as payment Wiring money seems to be the # 1 way people get scammed. Is there a legit escrow service or something like that? Do they fedex the title, then pay, then ship? How do you recommend the purchase procede?
More than one person has asked if there was a local member that would check it out.

904 types faster than me


Aug 22, 2021
It is like this, to prevent any possibility of getting screwed, you have to invest the time to see it live and in person. Bronco's, these days, represent a pretty significant investment. Speaking from experience, I bought my 1st Bronco 19 yrs ago from TX, on EBay, with a CD full of pictures. That sinking feeling in your chest when it rolls off the transport that you got Fu**ed is something I have never forgotten. I had to take it almost completely apart to get it road worthy. I got over it, fixed all the errors and half ass chit. I learned a great deal in the process and did the majority of the work myself, but I spent double the money in the process. Now you take todays prices for Broncos and parts, double that or maybe x4 times that if you don't have the tools, knowledge, skills, tools, or a good buddy that has all that to help you make it right... Or you bail on the whole project and sell it at a loss? Well then how is your Family going to feel about that?
If you truely cannot make it in person to see the Bronco, then your next best thing is to find someone locally who can provide you with feedback. Say a member here, in good standing, who knows Broncos. All of us here develop a reputation on this site, good, bad, and anywhere in between... It is easy to figure out who would be qualified to help you.
Beyond those two options it is crap shoot... I wish you the best of luck with your decision.
Thanks, I think I am going to try to pay to get it get it looked at by a shop that is local to him if he will bring it , or pay a member to check it out. Seems like a better option than these nation wide inspection services that cost $$$ and have bad reviews. Think I can manage anything but a bent, rusted out or poorly repaired frame. Better to loose a little $ upfront than a bunch down the road.


Aug 22, 2021
If anyone knows a member who is in Henderson Nevada, and would be willing to go check out the bronco, I can Venmo do you whatever you think would be reasonable for your time and expertise. The seller has been very good about being in contact and FaceTime in me with a walk around of the bronco, I know it exists and I trust he is a good guy, but would like to protect us both because maybe there is something he does not know about know about . I had a really bad experience with a rusted out poorly repaired defender someone was selling that claimed to be unaware of the problem. Luckily the expertise of others saved me before I made a big mistake.


Bronco's, yea I have a couple.
Dec 26, 2010
Polk County, Missouri
Sounds great if my family were on board for me getting on a plane and being gone around the holidays but thats not going to happen. Whats the second best option?
Call the seller and explain your situation. Let the holidays get over with, then explain to your family that this is a significate finical and probably life (for you and them in the long run) altering purchase and the real smart and wise thing to do is go look at it in person.

I would never buy a vehicle without going to insp it LIVE and in person. Then go from there on the payment and shipping arrangements.

If you are going to go all in......to the early Bronco world and life....go all in with gusto!


Just your friendly, neighborhood webmaster...
Jan 1, 2001
Phoenix, AZ
Regarding the increase in scammers, that should have been a limited time thing. For about a week after switching to the new forum software there were some anti-spam measures that I didn't have fully in place. They existed on the old forum, but it just took me a few days to get back to the same level of blocking them on the new forum.

Those spammers that did get in during that breif window were quickly banned thanks to members using the "report" feature.

It's always been a constant battle against spammers/scammers, but at the end of the day it doesn't appear the new software is any more susceptible to letting them in than the old software. It's just a matter of getting the right tools in place.


Jan 15, 2019
Tillamook OR
Regarding the increase in scammers, that should have been a limited time thing. For about a week after switching to the new forum software there were some anti-spam measures that I didn't have fully in place. They existed on the old forum, but it just took me a few days to get back to the same level of blocking them on the new forum.

Those spammers that did get in during that breif window were quickly banned thanks to members using the "report" feature.

It's always been a constant battle against spammers/scammers, but at the end of the day it doesn't appear the new software is any more susceptible to letting them in than the old software. It's just a matter of getting the right tools in place.
Good to know and thanks for all the hard work to make this a terrific site. Keep up the good work.