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SEMA Pictures


Bronco Guru
Aug 12, 2003
For those interested here are my SEMA pictures. I just got a new camera so some of the pictures are not the best but you get the picture.

I also bought a new GT-500 a month ago so I spent more time in the performance which is why the pictures are more biased to that side. I got some good pictures of some paint jobs for ideas on my 69. I am really leaning towards doing a epoxy prime and wrap job on the truck right now. I am thinking of Desert Cammo wrap on the quarters, doors and fenders with the buckaroo hood in semi gloss black. We got pictures with Stacey David, Lou Santiago, Chris Jacobs, the tool from American Hotrod and a few others. If you have the chance to go one year it was AWESOME!!



Bronco Guru
Aug 12, 2003
You need to take more pictures with girls ;D

The part you don't see is my wife standing right behind me while I am taking pictures. :-[

In all honesty though she actually thought it was funny, in fact Vegas in general being her first time there. She actually wanted to take a picture of me with "Fook you and Fook me" but there was so much to see with so little time. Next year I will try for 3 days there.

The coolest part IMHO was meeting Walker Evans. He is a friend of the guy that introduced me to Bundy. I guess he is coming out of retirement to run the 1000 for someone this year. He was working his own booth, I just did not expect that from a guy with his accomplishments.

We also were in the Overhaulin booth near the end and have a good chance of being on the December SEMA Overhaulin.

I am sure I will be remembering things for weeks that I saw.


Old Bronco Guy
Jun 29, 2001
;D ;D ;D Thanks to you both nice pic. with or without the girles.;D ;D ;D Bill %) :cool: ;D

mr incredible

Bronco Guru
Feb 25, 2007
great pics ,, if we could just keep them two ugly guys out of the pics with the girls !!!