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Sheet metal question and quick intro


New Member
Apr 4, 2015
Prattville, AL
OK, quick intro. I'm a first time EB owner from Alabama. I've owned 10 full size broncos and just parted with my prized '79 as the market has gotten hot on those for some reason. Whatever the case, it afforded me the opportunity to finally get a 1st gen bronco.

I went to look at a 1966 bronco outside of Atlanta on Friday and came home with a 1968. The owner listed it wrong. He also listed it has all new floors and rockers in it. What I found was a poor install job on the floors, half of them riveted and the rockers were some ugly patch panels installed over the original rotted ones. I think the owner was honest, he just didn't have a clue. However, the back end of the bronco was solid and the frame was beautiful. So, I bought it.

What I didn't realize until I got home was that the install of the floors and inner fenders was worse than realized. The passenger side door opening is 1/2" too wide. It's amazing how much you learn after making a bad decision. It's my first eb, so I'm expecting more of these things to bite me. However, I guess that's how you learn.

My question is (finally getting around to it): How should I attack this? I want to replace the rockers and the front floors. However, it's not like the original location of the sheet metal has been preserved, so I can't brace it and go for it. I'm going to have to cut everything loose and start again. I'm half tempted to buy one of the complete front floor weldments. How do they fit? Should I do the outer rockers first, or build the floors and then bring the cowl and frontend back into proper position? Just looking for some experienced individual on how to recover from such a botched job.

Looking back, I should have passed on the bronco. However, I'm in now and first rookie mistake out of the way.



Sr. Member
Dec 8, 2002
Kansas City
Greg, the first thing you should know is no one gets a Bronco that isn't without problems. Right now you're thinking "bad buy", a decade from now you'll never consider selling it.

All of the sentimentalities and coaching aside...

The good news is you're not the first person to go through this. Even better news is the ones who've done it before have documented it. Right here.

My recommendation to you is to go grab a beer, run a keyword search for things like "weld, door post, floor" and the like and spend the next few days enjoying the process.

In the meantime, there should be plenty of people wandering through this thread here and making recommendations based on their experiences and hopefully also linking to their threads on the same subject.

To back up OB's post, becoming a contributor can be an invaluable tool to you in this new project. Yes, you can link photos from other hosting sites such as photobucket and what not. However, posting and hosting them here ensures the next guy who comes along still gets to learn from YOU instead of finding your broken external link.

Also, you get to brag that you're a contributor.

Best of luck on the journey. Now where are those pictures?


Bronco Guru
Jul 15, 2005
Stephenville TEXAS
... Well welcome aboard .. You've defendant found the best place for good ''FREE'' advice.
Welcome.. I hate when members tell Newbys to search.
.. But your 1st post is 20 forward.. So with an advanced 1st post like you have..
....I THINK I'D GET THE Rocker Panel fixed 1st & then fit the floor on later.. If the Doors ain't right .. the Whole Bronco ain't right.
... And if you even do put the floors in place & aren't really satisfied .. Guess what when you put down the carpet.. It's covered up..


Sr. Member
Dec 8, 2002
Kansas City
Welcome.. I hate when members tell Newbys to search.

And so do I. :)

But Greg says his door opening is 1/2" too wide. Door openings don't get wider when floor pans are replaced. Door openings do get wider when door posts or striker posts are replaced though. This sounds to me as though it could be a little more than a cut and weld job on some floor pans. But that will be for him to decide.


Bronco Guru
Mar 2, 2008
Raphine, Virginia
This should be of some help. Get the doors right and the rest will follow as already posted.


  • measurements.jpg
    81 KB · Views: 61


Full Member
Oct 15, 2009
Greg, welcome to CB!

I talked with you (text) the other day and look forward to meeting up and seeing your project. I agree that it may be the door post were replaced and not spaced properly but all can be fixed with enough welding wire ;D

BTW, there are a few early Broncos in Prattville but you don't see them out very often.


New Member
Apr 4, 2015
Prattville, AL
This should be of some help. Get the doors right and the rest will follow as already posted.

Thanks. I found that image while searching before registering on the site. I failed to mention that it appears he removed the door post to replace the kick panel/inner fender. That's part of my question initially. I realize all this stuff has to move. If I were doing this repair before it was messed with, I would brace the cowl, etc and then start replacing panels. However, now I have to follow behind someone else and I wasn't sure what should be fixed first. The floors need to be redone and the striker post and door post need to be replaced. The rocker he used is junk and needs to be replaced. Right now I'm thinking I need to start from the back forward and once I have the striker and rockers right, I will position the firewall/cowl and door post where it should be.

Thanks for the replies. I'll get some pictures and get started one of these days.