So it was cold & rainy here yesterday 34 36 Mist and more wind than I cared to work in.
SO Being the good husband I am, I suggest the Wife & I & some friends go to the next big town north & let the WIVES GO SHOPPING .. Me & bUTCH WILL just stumble around in say . HomeDepot or Maybe a trip into Harbor Freight .;D
SO WIVES ENJOYED & I got a new tool box.
I've been wanting a Yellow Toolbox . Harbor just added Orange Green Blue & YELLOW .. I've got a couple of the smaller Black & 2 Red bigger old Shop boxes.
But It's gotten to where we have so many Metric tools. SO I've came up with the thought I'LL put all my Metrics in this new yellow box & Free up some room in my other boxes .
... I'll get up a couple of picture in a while . Pete normally installs them for me . I'll show one in the Box before I start & ONE AFTER I GET IT PUT TOGETHER ..
The wife never gripped once.
... We also found 2 huge bags of Charcoal for $8.98 both .. Like 36lbs.
SO Being the good husband I am, I suggest the Wife & I & some friends go to the next big town north & let the WIVES GO SHOPPING .. Me & bUTCH WILL just stumble around in say . HomeDepot or Maybe a trip into Harbor Freight .;D
SO WIVES ENJOYED & I got a new tool box.
I've been wanting a Yellow Toolbox . Harbor just added Orange Green Blue & YELLOW .. I've got a couple of the smaller Black & 2 Red bigger old Shop boxes.
But It's gotten to where we have so many Metric tools. SO I've came up with the thought I'LL put all my Metrics in this new yellow box & Free up some room in my other boxes .
... I'll get up a couple of picture in a while . Pete normally installs them for me . I'll show one in the Box before I start & ONE AFTER I GET IT PUT TOGETHER ..
The wife never gripped once.
... We also found 2 huge bags of Charcoal for $8.98 both .. Like 36lbs.