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Girl 22 (pregnant with my first grandbaby), Boy 17, Girl 11, Boy 10, Girl 7.....11 yr old is embarrassed to be seen in my Bronco, my two youngest love to ride in it.
I claim my 3 step daughters with the years of 32,31,28 as my own. With in that group I got 2 grands that are awesome from the oldest. And my own 19 year old.
Cool gig being Papa Hop.
I've got 2 boys. A 28 month old and a 19 month old. We adopted our first boy, Nelson, and found out two weeks later that we were expexting our second boy, Henry. They are 9 months apart. Sounds like fun, huh?
I have one...about 15 months. Hes the joy of my life and he loves to jump in the Bronco and stand in the seat and grab the wheel. Im 40....ish and never wanted kids......now that I have him, I wish I wold have done this sooner and had a couple more.;D;D
2 boys. Wife and I had a GAP plan. One is 28 and the other is 15.Oldest has a set of twins 9mo old boys.And he never showed any interest in the Bronco until a few months ago.15yr. old was interested in it until he joined up on here last yr and got scoled real bad for doin the teen tx lingo too much.'he had joined from his ph'.Now he's like don't won't no part of it...
One son (13) and a daughter (11)..... both love EBs but I think my girl is more of the motor head than he is at this point (he's just focused on girls and hanging out right now) ;D.
Four. Two daughters, 28 and 25, and two sons, 18 and 15. The daughters never had much use for my 'old trucks' or playing in 'icky mud, on purpose'. My sons are quite the opposite. ;D