It's time for my next upgrades! It's motor time.... I finally broke down and bought a new lower intake to match the Edelbrock upper I've had. Along with that I'm upgrading to 24lbs injectors, 76 mm C&I mass air and 70 mm Edelbrock throttle body. With the current speed density upper intake having a 52 mm TBopening, this should really wake up the motor. Some of the Mustang guys have said possibly up to 75 hp and some torque gains too. I've got some port work to do on the lower before I install it so it matches up with the porting on my heads... More pics to follow.
Why... You don't even have a motor....
Why... You don't even have a motor....
how are you any faster with yours torn down???
besides I wont get to race you til OCBR so i got plenty of time to get something in there. ;D;D
i heard a rumor got only until april !
race ... say what ...who ... where ??
just 2 weeks ago I picked up this 71-72 horsey 351 D2AE-CA w. 80k on in it .... yeah yeah I know its all crap ... but bax got some fine tuning skillsssss !! ;D
nice work David .... you Eb came a looooong way !!
how are you any faster with yours torn down???
besides I wont get to race you til OCBR so i got plenty of time to get something in there. ;D;D
i heard a rumor got only until april !
I'll have to pass if he shows up to sc lol
I'm a lot slow off the line....
Hey now, it's not a timed event!!!!;D;D;D Ya' just got to get there!!!!