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starter not engaging?


Bronco Guru
May 19, 2002
My starter has not been engaging. It has been winding...after about the 10th time it will engage. I took the starter off today, and found metal filings inside...looked to be wearing a little. Anyone have any ideas what was going on? I also have what seems to be a rear main seal leak, and dirtying up near the starter, someone suggested my starter might just be dirty, and to give it a cleaning and try that. Anyway, i replaced the started, seems to work fine so far, just don't want it to go like the last one.


Mar 27, 2002
sounds like the solinoid is going bad on it or is just sticking maybe due to dirt. mine does the same thing but if i go wack it a few times with a hamer it gets freed up and will engage it again. but hell starters are cheap like 30 bucks for a new one. but im cheap i just carry a hammer.


Bronco Guru
Apr 17, 2003
If it is spinning and not engaging, it is more than likely the starter drive. It could also be the ring gear, but my guess is it is the starter drive. Remove the starter and replace the drive. This should be of minimal cost.
You should also do the math depending on your mechanical skills. It may be wise just to get a new starter and not mess with the drive. If you need adice on how to replace the starter drive I would suggest you get the starter and forget about the drive change.


Old Bronco Guy
Jun 29, 2001
:p :p :p If it will spin every time just not engage the motor then you need a new bendex it go's on the front of the starter the last one I got was 10.00 real easy to replace good luck.%) %) %) Bill 8) %) :p