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Well, u know what they say about “assuming”. I put parts together for built C4 to NP205 with NP203 doubler. Now my search has not turned up an adapter available for this combo. Anybody know of one out there ? Thanks
I cant say for sure about a C4 but i pulled a Np205 off a 81 f150 he had a small block 300 with a small block np435 transmission. i pulled the adapter so its a small block adapter whether or not that will fit a c4 im not sure... i kinda think it wouldn't id have to look at my c4 and its not gone for the weekend.
Thanks Harley. My info is just web search and review of adapter vendors sites. My trans still in shop so not physically tried the combo. Good CB tech artticle on C6 combo. And their is a “work around” article I found but beyond me. I just think their has to be something out there.
Hey harley, thanks for jumping in. And in case we forget later, welcome to classicbroncos too!
I didn't have an answer for you regarding your steering pump adapter so figured I'd jump in here instead.