Finished the Tcase swap except for the driveshafts, taking them for a length change tomorrow. Exhaust fit without modifications but the Duff torque tamer will need some work, will work on that after I drive it around some. While it was apart, and being right here at Summit Racing's door, I took all my radiator trans fittings, and cooler fittings (I already had Trans AN adapters) over there yesterday and a rep helped me piece together the braided line and all the AN fittings I needed to replace the pieced together hard lines and rubber hoses with clamps that has been leaking for years. It is all back together and not leaking. I also replaced the line and fittings from my fuel regulator to Carb, lot cleaner install.
I went by Lowes and got some stuff to make a catch can for the duck, line is run just need to get it mounted. Still need to fabricate the tunnel cover, have some sheet metal and hopefully get that done this week.
Nyles, is that enough progress to keep you and Buldozer off my a$$ for a while?