Don't know if when you went into debt at WH, spring plates was one of your purchases, but Tom's sells the heavy duty plates, and the hole for the spring pin nut is slotted about 3" for adjustability, instead of drilling new holes.
Thanks for sharing the info about Tom's spring plates, I due tend to look at everyone's parts, their pricing, and now shipping costs, trying to make that informed purchase....
As with anything, the cost of things continues to go up. I have been running spreadsheets from my previous builds, so I have cost info, part #'s and dates of purchases. I was buying parts in the beginning of 2022 for my last project "Betty White" a Wimbledon white 70. Some things have gone up a few dollars and others are up $20-$30 or more. I say going into Debt at WH's jokingly, in debt only until the CC bill shows up. But all of us see the price increases that have occurred since Covid hit.
Yes, I did buy the Extreme U-bolt kit from WH's and I have a drill press, with the appropriate sized drill bit to make the additional hole myself. I'm a lot cheaper and there is that satisfaction factor doing things myself.
We do plan to stop at Tom's Rock and Roll event in June on our way to see our oldest kid in the Portland area, and I have a shopping list started.
That no shipping and no sales tax definitely helps out.