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Just a heads up from bronco 6G
The new MIC tops are being cranked out and the dirt Mountain Broncos and the delivered Broncos with bad tops are all being replaced soon.
Ford is moving the bad top Broncos from the lots to the factory today. It looks like they are replacing the tops all this week !
After that is done they can get back to regular production.
I'm thinking about ordering a 22, I'm liking that Red Pepper color, maybe they will have most of the kinks worked out by then. I've been seeing it was a cluster.
Well....this may be good news. Mine has been missing "in transit" since June. A zone manager said that it says it was still at the plant and he thought that meant dirt mountain and a top problem. Time will tell. Its a 2 door Badlands, btw
I was hoping to be optimistic for you guys, especially Okie but got to say it's bad... wish this wasn't so because it could've been really great. Part PPP, part bad luck.