I held onto mine. I couldn’t find it in me to throw it away. I really didn’t have any space to store it either. Then, about 3 weeks ago, I was at breakfast with the wife and she noticed a nice EB park across the street. It had a soft top on it and was setup really nice. Before we were done eating the owner had shown up and was getting ready to leave. I couldn’t sit there without talking to this guy before he drove off. So I ran out and caught him just as he was putting it in gear. I introduced myself and apologized for my fanaticism. Turns out he was a bit of a Bronco fanatic also. Long story short, he mentioned he had been looking for a hard top for a few years and just couldn’t find one that was in good shape.
I didn’t mention my top at the time. I invited him over to check out my EB. While he was there he spotted my top and gave it a look over. He complemented it for being in good shape. I told him he could have it and he couldn’t believe it. He returned with a small trailer, behind his ’68 with a 351W that was built really nice, and hauled the top away. His Bronco was beautiful and I know he is going to take real good care of that top.
I wish we could convince more guys like that to get on the web just to access this forum. He was a guy in his late 50s and didn’t have much use for a computer. He does really nice work when in comes to his EB. He mentioned that he has had 5 EBs throughout his life. He said the one he was driving was still a work in progress and not quite as nice as the last 2 he owned. I would have loved to seen those.