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Where can I find info about a stock motor? (Cam Question, mainly)


Jr. Member
Mar 1, 2003
Northern Colorado
I'm acquiring a '91 302 out of an F-150. It is pretty much stock, other than the EFI is gone and I'm going to put a carb on it. Anyway, I was considering putting a new came in it, something with alot of low end torque. However, I got to thinking about it, and since the motor is from a truck, it should have a slightly lower-end cam to begin with, right? Does anyone know where I can find info on the Lift and Duration of the came on this motor. I was thinking if it was a decent number already, maybe I could save the money and just buy a timing set and advance it 4 degrees to get some lower end torque with the stock cam setup. Any opinions would be much appreciated!



Bronco Guru
May 22, 2003
I would call ford motorsports tech line they should have that info. the truck may have had a cam that makes torque at lower RPMs I dont think I would advance it to get more lower end torque it is problably fine as is if you fiqure it problably had most of below 2500 rpm anyways from the factory to run with a OD tranny and your putting it in a truck thats problably going to run over 2500 rpm on the highway. I would leave it as is unless the engine has close to 100,000 miles on it then I would put a new timing chain and probably a new cam and lifters also, unless its a roller cam, I would also put a new oil pump on along with rod and main bearings then you should be good to go another 100,000