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Where to buy aluminum radiator core?


Sr. Member
Jan 14, 2010
Does anyone know a good source for buying radiator cores?

I am wanting to buy the core and fabricate the tanks but don't know where to find the core. Thanks in advance.


Bronco Guru
Nov 3, 2003
Back to top.
Don't know any sources, but will be interested to hear if anyone does. Never seen any listed, but you might find a source.
Stock ones don't get re-cored by your normal run-o-the-mill radiator shops, and aftermarket ones neither. But someone's making the cores, so someone may be able to buy them.
Maybe 1-800-RADIATOR has a source. They're one of the (or the) biggest of the retail oriented suppliers.
But I'm guessing that it's so specialized, that nobody but the actual manufacturers bother. And even then, maybe they just recycle the aluminum and star fresh anyway?

Good luck.
Oh, and what happened to yours? What type/brand is it? The brand may be critical, so you might have the original manufacturer as your source.



Sr. Member
Jan 14, 2010
Thanks Paul. I have done the Mustang serp mod and thus my stock radiator intake and return were on the wrong sides. I yanked the tanks, relocated the intake and returns to where I need them and added a fill neck to replace the over flow tank. So, I have something that will work.

That said, I really want to fab a new 4 core radiator with larger than standard tanks and electric fans. Worst case I can just buy one of the 4 cores from eBay or one of the vendors.

I find a huge list of Chinese manufacturers on Alibaba who make and sell cores and every other part needed, but just haven't found a distributor on this side of the water that sells them. I know there must be someone doing it, but hell if I can find them. I am still looking and will call the source you referenced.

Let's keep the thread going and I will update with whatever I find.