It didn't start out they way,,,,
It was early 1975 and I was home on leave and I had $1800 dollars that I had saved and I found a red 1975 Z-28 camaro that I had to have. My parents had settled down some over the fact that there daughter enlisted in the Marine Corps because I didn't want to go to Baptist college. Too many rules I thought and jumped from the frying pan into the fire,, that was smart%) duh,, lol. Anyway that red Z-28 was hot and I was going to look hot in it and took my daddy to see it one day after he got off work. We looked at that car for over an hour, test drove it,, and I was dying to have it. My daddy didn't say no but he didn't say yes and he mumbled something about " crazy kids , 4 on the floor, 3 on the three, fifith under the seat". He said wait until saturday and if the car was still there we'd go look at it again.
That was on a Wednesday and on that Friday my dad got off work early and told me he had a friend coming by and he had a 4 wheel drive he was wanting to sell. So the guy comes by and he's got this 1974 sandpiper yellow bronco with the white top,, brown plaid curtains in the back, it was cut out in the back with 10x15 desert dawgs on it and other than a roll bar and chrome air cleaner it was bone stock. I'd never seen a bronco before up close and never even thought about one as I was car crazy. Well this guy "Wayne" proceeds to tell me all about the bronco and asked me to go 4 wheeling that night and he'd show me how it worked. So that night we went, with some jeeps, a scout, few land cruisers, couple big blazers,, and that sh_t was a blast. We went places a billy goat couldn't walk, and forded creeks with water up the doors, and mud holes big a lakes. That bronco never missed a beat,, and there was a lot of vehicles with body damage that night and the broncos and jeeps cleaned everything.
Now being the level headed thinking person I was (remember the Marine Corps enlistement thought process, %) ) I was hooked. I had more fun than I knew exsisted that night and I wanted that bronco. My daddy didn't know we went four wheeling cause a visited a car wash about 3 am after we came out of the woods and made it look shiny again. Next day I told my daddy I would buy the Bronco and I think I heard a sigh of relief? Monday I went the bank and got a loan for the remainder of the $4400 I paid for it.
Top speed 92 mph, longest jump 28ft (my daddy was witness, cause he was riding with me, honest

) stuck 3 times (and I mean freakn buried and got that what the h-ll were you thinking lQQk). Been in two white outs (one local and one on the Blue ridge parkway with wind blowing 50kts) and not another soul in site and that bronco never let me down. Almost rolled it twice,,(showing off in 2wd) and had to change my pants,, one brake failure (nearly died of heart attack) , 1 drive shaft, several wheel bearings, 3 clutches (what can I say I was hard on the clutch), one driver side window (broke when slamming my door, mad at my friend boy, and various miscellaneous parts from normal wear and tear but it would keep on going and going.
Way back,,, I'd drive from Durham, NC to Jacksonville Florida many times,,, about 3 1/2 tanks of gas, and a partial fillup when I got there. Sometimes drove back and forth in the same weekend and truckers knew me as yellow doggie (KAAD 1855) on the cb, with that big ole whip. Slept in it, ate it, parked in it,, haha,,,carried all my cr@p it in (gurl has some luggage too). Went fishing in it so many times it knew the way to the coast by itself. Pulled out countless stuck cars, trucks and my daddy pulled a state motor grader out of the ditch one time. Never will forget my daddy and the look on his face when I came home on leave and I had ordered a set of Appliance headers. I asked him to help me put them on and him being a carpenter by trade we both knew nothing about what we were doing. Six or 7 hours later and a lot of cursing I cranked it up and it sounded like farm tractor and my daddy looked at me like I had lost my mind,, as I drove out the driveway around the neighborhood with uncapped headers. My daddy sure did love me alright.
11 years later and 188,000 hard miles I sold that bronco for a $1000 and always regretted it. It never left me stranded when it counted.. only messed up when my friends made me do it, haha. Dang bronco gave me so many memories and took me so many places, so many I cannot remember them all. That bronco probably saved my life,,, thinking back to when I had to have that Z-28.
My Mom just passed passed a few months ago,,my daddy is nearing 91yrs old and rounding that corner,,, I'm getting on too %) and when I round my final corner I hope its wide open with no regrets. If you look out back there's still a damn bronco there and my daddy keeps asking me when I'm going to get the mufflers fixed ;D,,, you can't make this stuff up.
Why a Bronco for me? . destiny.......