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Why I hate my bronco, but why I like it also


New Member
Jun 27, 2007
My current bronco is a 1966 halfcab, I enjoy climbing in it and slamming the door twice to get it to latch, (door posts replaced by po and obviously wrong as completely out of adjustments ) ,jiggle the ignition key to free up start sequence, pull on new choke cable with 2 hands to set choke.....(in 1 week started binding ) fire the baby up,listen to the lifters pump up as the engine runs on gas and oil..( don't know where the oil goes, no apparent leaks, no smoke, plugs are tan, but will disappear in a week of driving) throw that sucker into reverse and hear all the slop in the adapter from the tranny to transfer case engage, gives you a warm feeling as my son and I head off to the hills for his deer hunt wondering if we are in for a long walk ..kicking wilson and wondering which one of us will survive......

Once out into the hills, first steep climb, have son hold transfer case into low range cause if he does'nt it will pop out, pretty funny watching him do the power switch when I need to shift in the middle of a climb.....

Now the good stuff.. wildhorses long travel lift, so sweet, detroit in front and posi in rear, mountain goat status, my sweet running quadrajet that took me 3 qjets to get right but man that thing just purrs out in the hills,
leather seats from the junk yard, power steering, and a wheelbase that will let you thru the steepest ditch crossings, my clutch fan from one of the threads on here, stays at 180 now, ...
just when I start hating this thing , something always happens to make me happy to own it....wife just shakes her head when I'm out at the garage fixing something I already fixed, or when I spot another bronco around town, its a sickness... future plans 302efi, full cab so I can take the whole fam damily out...new adapter shaft , locker in the rear, a expensive manual choke cable with a liner...and somehow fix those rotten ill closing doors, twin sticks, then maybe I'll let the wife drive it....maybe not


Bronco Guru
Sep 28, 2004
San Martin, CA
My Bronco(s) have some similarities to the 1st part of your thread...

It is a sickness... Welcome to the club! ;D


Red Head Grease Monkey
Jan 23, 2002
Stockton, CA
I think we all have a love/hate relationship with our EBs. My '69 is one of the most fun vehicles I have ever owned, but a few years back I was so frustrated at it that is sat on my driveway for nearly two years without being driven.


Sr. Member
Jun 29, 2008
I'm with you man. Our friends think we are freaks, we're driving down the freeway in our suburban{sorry} and my 10 year old sees a bronco {only 66-77 counts as a bronco} he goes nuts ...Bronco Bronco Bronco, then every body else sees it and goes off, Our friends are like WHAT THE HELL? Definitely a sickness.... The guys at the local FWD club, upon finding out I have broncos are like OH NO, How many do you have? I answer 4, they ask How many are running right now? 2. Heep Guys, you know, drive a 1 or 2 yr old vehicle and think they are special because it always runs....... Whatever, the Bronco is way cooler, has a v-8, dana 44/9" compared to what?


New Member
Jun 27, 2007
I need to just take it down for a period of time and go thru everything,problem is with 3 kids playing sports( all different ) makes for alot of running around,also I like to flyfish, hunt ,trapshoot,golf...pretty much use up my free time, worried that would never get back together again....

So I live with the bad and slowly make repairs as time permits, just one of those things you want to fix it all on a weekend .....so going to concentrate on the top prioritys and by the time my sons ready to drive I should have it done....... then maybe buy another;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Sep 5, 2008
I was going thru some old vhs tapes last night and found one of me and some friends out 4wheeling in 1998 in my '69. Started watching and finished the whole tape.... god I miss an EB. I will have another as soon as funds allow. It's a love affair that that gets in ya deep and won't go away. A sickness that is sooooooo cool!


Jr. Member
Apr 1, 2008
Fayetteville AR
I love mine but it seems it might end my current relationship as I spend most evenings wrench'n. Its my zen time. I truly enjoy it. It is a love hate as when it doesn't turn over I now know exactly what to take apart and clean to "make it all better" Happy Trails!


Bronco Goddess
Apr 11, 2005
Here's a little story for you...

Last week I was making an African chicken and peanut stew. It's not a difficult recipe, but it is time consuming and very involved. I put a bunch of ingredients into a pot, took some of them out, pureed some of them, sauteed some stuff in another pan, toasted some stuff in another pan, made pilaf in another pan, mixed and wilted and on and on. It was 2 hours of full time cooking for one pot full of stew.

As I thought about it, I renamed it Bronco Stew because I had to put it all together, then take it all apart and then put it all back together again to get one functional product.

Yeah, I'm a dork.


Bronco Guru
May 8, 2007
Mesa AZ
Here's a little story for you...

Last week I was making an African chicken and peanut stew. It's not a difficult recipe, but it is time consuming and very involved. I put a bunch of ingredients into a pot, took some of them out, pureed some of them, sauteed some stuff in another pan, toasted some stuff in another pan, made pilaf in another pan, mixed and wilted and on and on. It was 2 hours of full time cooking for one pot full of stew.

As I thought about it, I renamed it Bronco Stew because I had to put it all together, then take it all apart and then put it all back together again to get one functional product.

Yeah, I'm a dork.

This sums it up pretty good. The end product will be way better than anything out of a can, like a heep.
Oh ya, awesome dork;)


Old Timer
Apr 24, 2007
Vancouver, WA
...and slamming the door twice to get it to latch, ...pull on new choke cable with 2 hands to set choke

Now the good stuff...

Hee hee, I slammed my doors twice for years until I was bored one day looking for something to do, took a close look at the mechanisms inside, made a simple adjustment on the barrel nuts of the threaded latch rods, and now they close like new.

Same thing with the choke, tweaked a few adjustments, but what really made it smooth was a touch of white grease on the carb's linkage cam where the idle adjusting screw rides as you pull on the choke. It is smooth as can be now.

The good stuff? It's all good even though I got the Bronco Lean and a minor Death Wobble going on... will get to those some day when the cash flow improves.


Bronco Guru
Oct 17, 2006
A friend once commented on my Bronco Lean, asking what was wrong (he drives a heep)...my wife, without skipping a beat, replied: "It leans a little to the left, just like Dan." (not referring to my politics, get your minds in the gutter!)