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Anyone get the Winters shifter to work on the 6R80. I have a Winters/Art Carr shifter for a 4R70W. Would like to maybe use it on the 6R80. Probably need to add an upshift switch. Might just bite the bullet and get a Lokar. Any ideas?
Not answering your question but have been trying to decide to go winters or lokar for my 4r70w install.
I noticed that the lokar 4r70w shifter appears to cost more than the newer 6r80? I don't see a difference between the two but maybe it's in the switches?
let me know if you sell the Winters, I might be interested.
Rory at RAD designs has a micro-switch setup that works with the Winters. He used my 4r70 and took a bunch of measurements off my 6r80 on my way home with my new trans to make sure the geometry would work for that shifter and the 6r.
Check him out on the net. Great guy. Lives West of Spokane.
I run a Winters on my 6r and have adapted my Winters to it. I am going round and round with USShift on why it won't shift in the "manutronic" mode by using the latching switch to "put it" in manutronic and using a rocker switch for bumpshifting.
IF you manually shift the trans into "sport mode" (like you do for a F150) and THEN use the rocker switch for shifting it works absolutely great. I have gates cut out of my Winters and having to use "2" on my Winters wasn't part of my design and is one more gate to work around when trying to shift from Manutronic to Rev in a split second to prevent a backroll. If you look at Meyerzbronco pic he has a block off plate for keeping the shifter from going into "2".
I am hoping to run a data log for Karl at USShift and take a picture of every setting I have made for setting up my 6r80. I am not the only one dealing(I now have 3 other Bronco guys) with this exact same problem.
Rory at Radesigns is great to deal with, and makes great products. Being a small business owner/manufacturer he actually works with his customers, its not like dealing with the 'customer service' of a huge company or giant re-seller.
His VX shifter Is made in the USA, and has adjustable gates
Did lick creek do your install. I am getting my ducks in a row and send it to Tom in a couple months. If i already have the winters i just need the shift kit from rad design. Anything else ? Thanks