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yesterday's bronco adventure


Bronco Guru
Oct 8, 2003
Well finally got the bronco started yesterday after some starting fluid. Haven’t drove it in over a year, sounded so good. So me having a bright idea I have to go drive it. No doors and soft top but was uncovered for about 8 months so I am driving down the road crap starts flying at my from all directions leaves dirt me trying to see and cover my drink and eyes from getting all that crap in it. My front gears are still broke so no four wheelin. Here I am in my jammer pants t shirt and house slippers. Off I go to drive around some dirt roads around the house. Ended up going down this one road a couple of miles behind the house that me and all my buddy’s have been stuck on before so I know not to go down it too far it’s like swamp land. Get down there see all the water on what now looks like a trail. So I go to turn around get the front tires barely in the ditch guess what now I am stuck :mad: even the spool wouldn’t help since there really isn’t a lot of weight in the rear. So I get out and hook up the winch of course had roll up my jammies take off my slippers to wade in the water. Hook up the cable and the winch just goes grrrrr grrrrr damnit. Now what to do left cell phone at the house could walk through the woods to house only a couple of miles but not going to do that with jammies and slippers on. So start walking up the road and here comes a guy in camo with a AK I am thinking wtf is this private land. He turned out to be a cool guy his wife came down the road and had her cell phone and let me use it. He said he don’t mind people wheeling down that road just didn’t want people dumping trash on it. Called my wife hoping she is off work now. She was and had her bring the F250 down to pull me out barely took anything to pull me out. She knew something was up when she saw the bronco gone and dogs left inside. So much for my bright idea for the day. Figured I would give you a laugh for the day oh yeah had mud all over my face from sticking my head out watching the tires turn up dirt and mud ;D
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Mar 8, 2007
Good thing you didn't get SHOT. 4 wheelin on another man's property.. WTF...? ;D ;D


Bronco Goddess
Apr 11, 2005
at least the gas tank didn't fall off:-X ;D

Hey, I resemble that remark!

I knew "yesterday's Bronco adventure" was gonna be a good story! I can just see your skinny ass in your pajamas and slippers. I mean, come on, you coulda put some britches on first! ;)


Bronco Guru
Oct 8, 2003
but I was going to get it started up%) LOL yeah you should had seen me with my christmans jammers with snowflakes on them but I did have my hat on;D may had been the reason he had a gun:eek: Not near as bad as when I went to pick up my kids at the skating rink once wearing sweats and cowboy boots:-X my kids to this day still remind me of it%)


New Member
Apr 19, 2008
That sinks. At least you're out with no serious damage.

Bet you looked snappy in those slippers!



Early Bronco Student
Jun 18, 2001
here comes a guy in camo with a AK I am thinking wtf is this private land. He turned out to be a cool guy his wife came down the road and had her cell phone and let me use it. He said he don’t mind people wheeling down that road just didn’t want people dumping trash on it.

You tell him...I am not wheeling, can't you see I am stuck.


Bronco Guru
Aug 13, 2004
What the heck is wrong with blue jean shorts a straw hat justin boots and a T shirt?? Thats my fav summer yard attire!

My dad got to go to jail once in his Jammers....He was out lookin for our dog and we had a idiot been running a charger wide open up and down the next road over....family friend nieghbors few houses down decided to put a stop to that with shotgun in hand...Dad stops asks him whats up?...well next car drives up is a cop...Butch wont put down the gun cuz he's legally blind and thinks its the guy in the Charger...make a long story short everybody ended up in the pokey 2 in jammers but the guy in the charger got to spend the night...My dog came home somewhere in the middle of all this. No charges were filed. By the way the jailhouse is the next block over bout a mile thats funny as hell since I just called Dad and asked him how well he remembered it and made sure I had the story straight....He laughed said Im gonna go beat on butch again!

Made myself a note dont do dumb stuff in you jammers!


Bronco Guru
Oct 8, 2003
You tell him...I am not wheeling, can't you see I am stuck.
LOL it is actually not private land just a road that splits everyones property up. big no no to wheel on private land without permission. I know the guy who owns the land at the other end of the road,but may have found a new place to hunt;D


Sr. Member
Jan 26, 2006
Things always seem to happen when you are least prepared. I can only imagine what the guy with the gun was thinking when he first saw you...it was probably hard not to laugh :)


Bronco God
Jan 6, 2002
Things always seem to happen when you are least prepared. I can only imagine what the guy with the gun was thinking when he first saw you...it was probably hard not to laugh :)

No doubt that's why he brought the gun!!!


Bronco God
Jun 16, 2001
Great story Skiddy ;D

Would love to see some pics in the driving attire :eek: