More Ron Francis Wiring Installation
Getting under the dash was not very much fun so I ended up taking out the seats. This made everything much easier to get to. However it reminded me of how often I vacuum and its not very often
With the old harness out I started grabbing the bags to get the new Ron Francis Wiring in. They are numbered in an order that probably makes the most sense for the installation. I started with the auxillary high amp power post. This is probably one of the best features of this kit because it allowed me to run one positive wire from the battery to the post and then I ran all the other wires directly to the post. I think it makes the install much cleaner instead of having a rats nest at the battery
As you can see I made a short wire from the positive side of the solenoid to the post which keeps the battery even cleaner. I think if you had a starter mounted solenoid this would come even more handy
Here's the main alternator wire. For some reason I thought I only had a one wire alternator but I didn’t....
One thing I like to do is clean up all the residue from the solder. I think it helps make a better connection and probably keeps the corrosion away for longer
Here are the wires for the ignition switch. They came with the connectors attached on one end so I just had to run them through and get them close to where I wanted them. I waited until I knew for sure that I liked where they were routed before cutting and making the connections to the fuse block
Here they are attached to the ignition switch. The instructions didn’t come with a specific example of how these are arranged but I found an example online, on my phone, in the garage. So it was pretty easy to figure out.
And here is the loom coming down to eventually get attached to the Ron Francis fuse block.
The old harness ran the wires directly in the way of the heater defrost ducts. They fit but everything was tight and randomly I would have to go under there and reattach the heater ducts because they would eventually pull off. Now I have the harness tucked nice and tight against the bottom of the cowling so they are out of the way and clean under there.