Swapping distributor gears turned out to be totally easy. I watched some video online and everything looked like it had to be pressed on, but mine slid on and off by hand. Of course the holes were in different places-
Some quick measuring and one sketchy hand drill operation later and I'm good to go, - no cursing required!
Bent up some trans lines - went really good.
Got the plug wires on - not super happy with them, but they work.
Spent a ton of time trying to get the motor to start - I wanted to no have the FiTech control timing on the initial setup and was confused on why it wouldn't work, turns out I needed a MSD box. Thankfully I'm a parts hoarder and had one in the basement. Hooked it up, adjusted timing and BAM - we had life!
I'm now even more deaf - so worth it ;D
Now I want to drive this thing, so onto the cable shifter! After grinding on the x-member (it is detailed on the WH instructions) and making some modifications to the bracket, I got everything to fit... with zero room to spare.
Not all is well though - the water pump is leaking by on the timing cover side at the mating surface by the timing pointer. Luckily I've been running the motor with just water up to this point, but everything has to come off so I can inspect why it is leaking.
I'm going to fix that, toss the anti wrap x-member on and install the rear drive shaft and piss off the entire neighborhood while I drive around with open headers and try not to kill myself in the process. This new motor is nasty and hits the rev limiter QUICK.