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Which Fuel Injection Kit, Holley, Fitech?


Grease Monkey
Jun 11, 2007
Ridgefield WA
This is what I had before going Qjet. It ran great on the road, but once off road would flood if it wasn't level. Installed the off road kit and still had the flooding issues. Qjet doesn't have this problem.

When I first put my Edelbrock 500 CFM on the Bronco, it would die when going slowly over a speed bump.?:?

There are a few things I've done that improved the off-road drivability a lot. I can now put the car at some pretty severe angles without issues.

Use a pressure regulator. Edelbroclk carbs have a shorter float than many other carbs. This puts less pressure on the needle valve. I run mine at 2 PSI off road and 4 PSI on the road.

Set the fuel level 1/16"-1/8" lower than the standard setting.

Block the bowl to bowl equalizing passage.

Some use the spring loaded (off road) needle valves. I don't buy into this, and haven't found it necessary.

Here's a good video on the mods.


Nov 2, 2019
For some reason, the manufacturers of these new throttle body injection systems think putting the electronics on top of the manifold is a good idea. Maybe it's the aesthetics of not having a visible controller, but it's looking more and more like it's a bad idea. That spot is hot enough to boil the fuel in the carb. Why would you put a controller there? Just Google it. There are problems with it.

Both Holley and Edelbrock make ported injection units with remote mounted controllers. That looks like a better way to go.

Would like to hear anyone's input on the Edelbrock Pro-Flow 4...or the Holley ported injection (have yet to see that available, though...unless this is the one you're referring to https://www.summitracing.com/parts/...kebn-hKTiWbbXByqp2MtA0-Z7_OobzxBoC3cwQAvD_BwE but that one says no ECU)


Jul 18, 2007
Been running the sniper for about a year on a new BP 306, has been a headache 90% of the time. Still working on getting it reliable or be able to trust it enough to take it on longer trips. Currently on my last attempt to get it there by resolving RF interference issues as diagnosed by Holley. If it doesn't work after this, I'll be going to a carb.

Have heard this system is especially a PITA on SBF's because of the location of the distributor (and possibly coil) being located right in front of the ECU. If I were to do it all over again, I would've bought the longblock from BluePrint and stuck an Edelbrock Pro-Flow system on it.


Sr. Member
Oct 22, 2001
I ended up putting an Edelbrock 600 on that I had. Adjusted floats, running good, idles good


Bronco Guru
Feb 24, 2002
Are you planning to take is offroad on anything more than a dirt forest or desert road then the edelbrock is not the best choice. we spent years trying to get one to work properly. great on the street but just not workable on any real trails. couldn't solve a tight spot with the bronco nose down tilting of camber on the drivers side. would flood over and then your dealing with a flooded engine in a bad spot. if you plan to run carb start searching for a cagle fuel regulator. haven't been made in 20 years but the best for offroad with a carb. we swapped to quadra jets a very long time ago.
my pet peeve is aftermarket fuel injection is expensive and if you can fix a carb you cant fix the fuel injection. then the makers disappear or dont make or support the stuff 5 years down the line. Holley has shafted customers time and time again


Sr. Member
Oct 22, 2001
Sadly it's become a pavement princess even with lockers.....

Are you planning to take is offroad on anything more than a dirt forest or desert road then the edelbrock is not the best choice. we spent years trying to get one to work properly. great on the street but just not workable on any real trails. couldn't solve a tight spot with the bronco nose down tilting of camber on the drivers side. would flood over and then your dealing with a flooded engine in a bad spot. if you plan to run carb start searching for a cagle fuel regulator. haven't been made in 20 years but the best for offroad with a carb. we swapped to quadra jets a very long time ago.
my pet peeve is aftermarket fuel injection is expensive and if you can fix a carb you cant fix the fuel injection. then the makers disappear or dont make or support the stuff 5 years down the line. Holley has shafted customers time and time again


Sr. Member
Dec 17, 2015
I have the sniper in my bronco. I have had some issues with it. It still doesn't want to stay tuned correctly.

I previously had the fitech. Tins of issues with that.

I have the mod atomic efi in my mustang and it has been great.

However, I recommend piecing together a factory ford unit.


Sr. Member
Jul 4, 2004
Been running the sniper for about a year on a new BP 306, has been a headache 90% of the time. Still working on getting it reliable or be able to trust it enough to take it on longer trips. Currently on my last attempt to get it there by resolving RF interference issues as diagnosed by Holley. If it doesn't work after this, I'll be going to a carb.

Have heard this system is especially a PITA on SBF's because of the location of the distributor (and possibly coil) being located right in front of the ECU. If I were to do it all over again, I would've bought the longblock from BluePrint and stuck an Edelbrock Pro-Flow system on it.

What issues have you had exactly? What plug wires are you using? Is your O2 sensor monitoring both banks or just one? I’m getting ready to install a new sniper system with the hyper spark ignition.