Original Ford Bronco, mostly all original parts.
The story is that my grandparents bought this very Bronco in 1966 in Iowa (though my mom thinks they had to go to Kansas or Missouri to pick it up) and used and loved it for 20-plus years. They had a small camper on it. It has been all over the country: to the west coast, to Alaska, to Montana, etc, and back. Well loved. But eventually my grandparents got too old to enjoy it so sold it to a neighbor. My mom was in college when they bought it, but joined them on many of their trips and had many fond memories of it, so in 2004 she found the buyer, he still had it, and she bought it back from him. At that point, it was a little worse for wear. In particular, the small camper on the back had damaged the truck bed. You can see the shape it was in when she bought it in these photos:
So, my mom tried to take care of it by getting the damage in the truck bed (and elsewhere) fixed up, and getting it repainted.
Here is a photo of my mom, my wife, and I after it’s paint job was done:
Some photos from this spring:
Here is a video of us driving it to tow it to my house:
But now, after 13 years, my mother is no longer getting any joy out of it, is tired of storing it, is tired of worrying about it, and is tired of trying to do the right thing for it. She originally bought it to take it on trips again, but that just hasn't worked into her lifestyle. And she isn't interested in keeping it for it's historical value or for nostalgia. So her and I are teaming up to sell it and we will split the profits. This was her idea. She will be involved in all sales but I'm in charge of it now so that she doesn't have to stress about it anymore.
So I'm doing my best to help her find a new home for her family Bronco, and get her a good price for it so she can at least make up what she has spent on it.
I considered keeping it and working on continuing to restore it myself, especially after some encouragement from some people in these forums, but after sitting with it for 8 months and watching it slowly gather dust, but dreading working on it, I’ve realized I need to find it a home with someone that would love it.
It still runs, and has had a few parts of the engine replaced with newer parts. But I know nothing about cars in general or Broncos specifically, so I can’t tell you much more than that. Here are some pictures of the engine that I took earlier this year:
I didn’t know what to photograph so just took a few. If you need some other photos, let me know. As you can see, the engine and underside have not been restored, so it looks much better from the outside than the inside.
It is not currently in one piece. I figured it would probably be better to let the buyer put it back together than attempt to do it myself and make a mistake. The cab cover needs weather sealing and the glass put back in, none of the decals and logos are attached, the interior door & window handles and covers are not installed, the mirrors are not on, and the wind shield wipers are not installed. You can see a picture of all the parts I have:
With the exception of the cab cover, if it isn’t in that photo, I don’t have it. Yes, it’s unfortunately missing one of it’s hubcaps: It went missing while it was being restored, we think maybe it was deliberately sold without our permission & knowledge. We have not been able to find a replacement.
My plan is to post it online for sale, listen to offers and let people check it out for a month or two, and then choose a buyer if I have anyone interested. I don’t know exactly what it’s worth and don’t want to make a mistake by going with the first offer I receive, so don’t plan on moving very quickly. The price I've listed is an estimate based off of prices I saw on Ebay. I’m doing my best to do this in as safe & transparent way as I can and hope it leads to a positive outcome for everyone. Any advice or suggestions are appreciated.
If you think it isn’t worth what I’m asking for it but are still interested, make an offer anyway, it still might be the best one I receive! (and of course if you want to offer even more money, that’ll get me to hurry a bit!)
Let me know if you’re interested in more information about it and we’ll do our best to answer all questions. We have registration and everything sorted out, so no need to worry about that, it’s all on the up and up.
I have also posted this to Craigslist in case that finds anymore people interested but I have a feeling these forums will generate much more and better interest: https://portland.craigslist.org/mlt/cto/d/1966-ford-bronco-restored-and/6435422927.html
The story is that my grandparents bought this very Bronco in 1966 in Iowa (though my mom thinks they had to go to Kansas or Missouri to pick it up) and used and loved it for 20-plus years. They had a small camper on it. It has been all over the country: to the west coast, to Alaska, to Montana, etc, and back. Well loved. But eventually my grandparents got too old to enjoy it so sold it to a neighbor. My mom was in college when they bought it, but joined them on many of their trips and had many fond memories of it, so in 2004 she found the buyer, he still had it, and she bought it back from him. At that point, it was a little worse for wear. In particular, the small camper on the back had damaged the truck bed. You can see the shape it was in when she bought it in these photos:
So, my mom tried to take care of it by getting the damage in the truck bed (and elsewhere) fixed up, and getting it repainted.
Here is a photo of my mom, my wife, and I after it’s paint job was done:
Some photos from this spring:
Here is a video of us driving it to tow it to my house:
But now, after 13 years, my mother is no longer getting any joy out of it, is tired of storing it, is tired of worrying about it, and is tired of trying to do the right thing for it. She originally bought it to take it on trips again, but that just hasn't worked into her lifestyle. And she isn't interested in keeping it for it's historical value or for nostalgia. So her and I are teaming up to sell it and we will split the profits. This was her idea. She will be involved in all sales but I'm in charge of it now so that she doesn't have to stress about it anymore.
So I'm doing my best to help her find a new home for her family Bronco, and get her a good price for it so she can at least make up what she has spent on it.
I considered keeping it and working on continuing to restore it myself, especially after some encouragement from some people in these forums, but after sitting with it for 8 months and watching it slowly gather dust, but dreading working on it, I’ve realized I need to find it a home with someone that would love it.
It still runs, and has had a few parts of the engine replaced with newer parts. But I know nothing about cars in general or Broncos specifically, so I can’t tell you much more than that. Here are some pictures of the engine that I took earlier this year:
I didn’t know what to photograph so just took a few. If you need some other photos, let me know. As you can see, the engine and underside have not been restored, so it looks much better from the outside than the inside.
It is not currently in one piece. I figured it would probably be better to let the buyer put it back together than attempt to do it myself and make a mistake. The cab cover needs weather sealing and the glass put back in, none of the decals and logos are attached, the interior door & window handles and covers are not installed, the mirrors are not on, and the wind shield wipers are not installed. You can see a picture of all the parts I have:
With the exception of the cab cover, if it isn’t in that photo, I don’t have it. Yes, it’s unfortunately missing one of it’s hubcaps: It went missing while it was being restored, we think maybe it was deliberately sold without our permission & knowledge. We have not been able to find a replacement.
My plan is to post it online for sale, listen to offers and let people check it out for a month or two, and then choose a buyer if I have anyone interested. I don’t know exactly what it’s worth and don’t want to make a mistake by going with the first offer I receive, so don’t plan on moving very quickly. The price I've listed is an estimate based off of prices I saw on Ebay. I’m doing my best to do this in as safe & transparent way as I can and hope it leads to a positive outcome for everyone. Any advice or suggestions are appreciated.
If you think it isn’t worth what I’m asking for it but are still interested, make an offer anyway, it still might be the best one I receive! (and of course if you want to offer even more money, that’ll get me to hurry a bit!)
Let me know if you’re interested in more information about it and we’ll do our best to answer all questions. We have registration and everything sorted out, so no need to worry about that, it’s all on the up and up.
I have also posted this to Craigslist in case that finds anymore people interested but I have a feeling these forums will generate much more and better interest: https://portland.craigslist.org/mlt/cto/d/1966-ford-bronco-restored-and/6435422927.html

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