Interesting, I have not had that experience yet.
All it takes is one little voltage surge and the light emitter pops. Then it is dead dead, not just slightly dead. BT, DT.
The TFI triggered by a set of points is interesting, but being mechanical it does have a wear issue. Not like it would with a pure points system, but it's still there.
I rate the most reliable "out of the box" system to be an all original D-S II system. Like with every other brand of module (GM, Mopar) the new modules from typical auto parts stores are junk.
Were I going to build an ignition system I'd drive a Davis HEI module with a D-S II distributor. The D-S II's signal is nice and strong and the HEI modules make the engine run very smooth - smoother than anything else that I've tried including the aftermarket stuff. Crucial to that module being reliable is to use the thermal grease that those modules absolutely require be between them and their heat-sink. There is no substitute for that specific grease. Find some Arctic Silver if you don't have any. You probably don't need to ask how I know just how crucial the thermal grease is, do you?
Never been a fan of one-wire alternators. Clock the rear of the alternator to the most advantageous position and make up a tidy wiring loom that stays well hidden.