I have the Wilwood that came in the WH kit and pretty sure it's only 1-1/8" if that and my Bronco stops on half a dime. You could breathe on the brake pedal and it's stopped.
That's actually part of my concern. On the rocks, a sudden brake application could send me end over end. I'd prefer something with more finesse.
I can measure from the centerline of the mc up to the top of the reservoir tomorrow for ya if you want Chuzie. Make sure it fits. I think the lower profile AstroVan reservoirs fit on it also as another option... I think??? Not even 68% sure tho... lol
That would be super helpful just to be sure. I have a 2" body lift and placed a piece of 1" square stock on top of the Corvette MC. I have the clearance, but extra eyes on this would be great.
BTW- As expected, my rear brakes are only achieving 1500psi whereas before they were showing over 2,000. The issue definitely resides on that rear port.
Just got off the phone with CPP.
- Confirmed rear port is for rear brakes and front port is for front brakes
- Stroke + Bore both 1-1/8"
- Asked why front vs rear ports matter if it's a 50/50 MC - Said it wasn't 50/50.
- Asked what the proportions were - Had no data available.
- Couldn't explain the lack of volume, but assured me if I had 2500 at MC, everything was fine.
I laughed and we parted ways.