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EFI Thoughts


Bronco Guru
Jan 1, 2011
Conway, AR
This is going to sound dumb, but to clarify for me... when an explorer or sn95 swap is mentioned, are you talking just the the EFI or the entire motor? I wasn't necessarily wanting to swap the motor so that is why I'm asking.
Most of the time it's just the EFI but can be both EFI and motor.

My SN95 EFI runs my warmed up 1996 351w from a van.



Bronco Guru
Sep 10, 2009
Electric carbs seem to be getting better. I’ve always hated the Fitech I have on my wife’s Bronco. I may try a new Sniper unit at some point. Way too much work to swap it out for the Explorer parts I have now. And I do like the “stockish ” look.
That being said the Explorer system ran extremely well on the race truck.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

bronco italiano

Bronco Guru
Feb 1, 2004
This is incorrect. I still rework harnesses and PCM's. I do limit what I'm willing to do as far as programming goes to make sure I don't violate federal regulations, but things like PATS deletes and gear calibrations are perfectly fine.

On the performance side of things, it's better to just talk to me to know what can and can't be done since every build is different, especially before you start buying parts.
Apologies EFI guy. I should have clarified on what the Feds have done to limit efi tuning.


Sr. Member
Jun 9, 2006
I know this is an older thread, but I am basically asking the same question so I thought I would jump in. I am intending to use my 70 more. Stock engine with headers and not modifying the engine. I am not really interested in an explorer swap for this vehicle.

What type of long-term success are people seeing with the Sniper EFI systems or similar? I want it to run well, start good when cold and perhaps pick up some MPG although not real worried about that.

Who is the current leader in TBI systems that work, all the time and have tech support?

Thanks for your help as always.


Bronco Guru
Nov 11, 2007
to help with fuel sitting, I always use a heavy dose of fuel stabalizer, stabil my choice, plus carb cleaner or injector cleaner like techron or lucas. Stabalizer can get you two years of fuel sitting time.


Nov 20, 2020
If a guy were to do the complete Explorer motor with EFI, what years of Explorer should be considered? And I assume I would also want the Explorer wiring harness?


Sr. Member
Jun 9, 2006
to help with fuel sitting, I always use a heavy dose of fuel stabalizer, stabil my choice, plus carb cleaner or injector cleaner like techron or lucas. Stabalizer can get you two years of fuel sitting time.
I agree. Honestly, I put some of that in full tanks in the fall and haven't had any fuel system issues since. I did buy a new Motocraft 2100 for $5.00 off of CL about ten years ago. Old man bought it and then sold the truck years later.

I more want efi more for cold starts etc. and just general smoothness. That being said, overall the stock carb is pretty good for me. And no, I don't want to adjust the choke and call it a day.


Bronco addict
Jan 25, 2017
Brunswick, Ga
1996-2001 Explorer or 1997 to 2001 Mountaineer. And yes, you'd want the engine and trans harness (if you want the 4R70W trans too) unless you go with an aftermarket wiring/computer kit.
If a guy were to do the complete Explorer motor with EFI, what years of Explorer should be considered? And I assume I would also want the Explorer wiring harness?


Sr. Member
Jun 9, 2006
1996-2001 Explorer or 1997 to 2001 Mountaineer. And yes, you'd want the engine and trans harness (if you want the 4R70W trans too) unless you go with an aftermarket wiring/computer kit.
Just curious as I have not looked into the explorer stuff in awhile. Is there an aftermarket stand alone harness available now? As far as electrical goes, what is the simplistic way to get the EFI Explorer in there? I am aware of the harness stripping and sending things off scene. Wondering what other options there are now.


Bronco addict
Jan 25, 2017
Brunswick, Ga
I think Holley has one. I saw a kit a couple of weeks ago, posted on a thread on here, but didn't save the details. It was over $2000 if I remember correctly. I think Ron Francis has one too, or used to have one.


Bronco Guru
Oct 29, 2022
Holley just does a harness for their own system, I’m pretty sure.

Yes. Ron Francis does a great harness. Only downside is the size of the panel.

I’m using RF but I don’t have an Explorer system other than the crank trigger.


Bronco addict
Jan 25, 2017
Brunswick, Ga
Seems like the one I saw didn't explicitly mention Explorer EFI, but it led me to believe it would work with that system. Wish I could remember more about it, but my memory is past its prime.


Bronco Guru
Nov 11, 2007
Just remember the explorer stuff is almost 30 years old.

30 year old wiring, the insulation snaps . Connectors crack apart, rubber is brittle, etc.

Not saying don't use it, but use it as a skeleton and rebuild rewire as required to get OEM reliability. I would not do oem ford unless i replaced injectors and all sensors, and mas. I would rebuild injectors but last look, the only place in PHX went under a decade ago, EPA/osha shut them down.


Apr 14, 2013
Just remember the explorer stuff is almost 30 years old.

30 year old wiring, the insulation snaps . Connectors crack apart, rubber is brittle, etc.

Not saying don't use it, but use it as a skeleton and rebuild rewire as required to get OEM reliability. I would not do oem ford unless i replaced injectors and all sensors, and mas. I would rebuild injectors but last look, the only place in PHX went under a decade ago, EPA/osha shut them down.

I'm not saying you are wrong, there is definitely some truth there, but it's far less of a problem than you would think. One of the advantages of age is predating things like lead-free solder and soy-based, biodegradable wire insulation. I would argue that the wire used is better than what can be purchased these days.

I do see the occasional crack in the insulation, this only seems to happen at the very end of the wire at the connector since the loom protects the rest of the harness. My solution is to cut back just past the split and crimp on new pins resulting in a splice-free repair at the expense of 1/4" of wire length. However, insulation issues are not very common. The loom protects the harness well but I'm sure if something sat for years with the hood off in the AZ sun then the exposed insulation would probably look pretty rough.

The connectors that do seem to break often are the injector plugs (more common on 99-01), I think this is due to being trapped under the intake with all of the heat. This is why I offer new connectors that are a better design and don't require any splicing for the 99-01 harnesses. Unfortunately, the 96-98 can't be sourced new. The choices are to rob them from a 4cyl in the junkyard because they don't have the heat soak issue, or switch to the newer Bosch style of connector.

Every connector except for the 96-98 Injectors and cam sensor plug can be sourced new. I would expect to need injector connectors on 99-01 harnesses and maybe another connector or two, but needing to strip it down to skeleton status and replace everything is just something I have never encountered yet. I try my best to make a harness look brand new when I ship it, but if everything had to be replaced it just wouldn't be profitable.

I haven't had any issues with used injectors but there are people that have. I would let them soak in cleaner for a week before installing if they have been sitting for a while but I have never bothered with having them rebuilt. Personally, I would rather trust 30 year old OEM Ford sensors over anything purchased aftermarket. The parts offered by the aftermarket seem to be decreasing exponentially in quality year after year. Newer does not equate to better. New o2 sensors are a good idea and any sensor that might test out of range should be replaced but I would wait for the Ford stuff to die before replacing with aftermarket.


Bronco Guru
Oct 29, 2022
The plusses of the Ron Francis system that I got were that, (1) it came with every new connector in a bag with tons of wire and I could run it any way I want back to the panel, and (2) because of that, I could also just use what I wanted to use and keep it clean.

Downside again, is that the panel is so huge that I had boxes made in each kick panel (I have two RF panels--one Bronco and one Mustang).

Did I mention they are HUGE?


Bronco Guru
Nov 11, 2007
I'm not saying you are wrong, there is definitely some truth there, but it's far less of a problem than you would think. One of the advantages of age is predating things like lead-free solder and soy-based, biodegradable wire insulation. I would argue that the wire used is better than what can be purchased these days.

I do see the occasional crack in the insulation, this only seems to happen at the very end of the wire at the connector since the loom protects the rest of the harness. My solution is to cut back just past the split and crimp on new pins resulting in a splice-free repair at the expense of 1/4" of wire length. However, insulation issues are not very common. The loom protects the harness well but I'm sure if something sat for years with the hood off in the AZ sun then the exposed insulation would probably look pretty rough.

The connectors that do seem to break often are the injector plugs (more common on 99-01), I think this is due to being trapped under the intake with all of the heat. This is why I offer new connectors that are a better design and don't require any splicing for the 99-01 harnesses. Unfortunately, the 96-98 can't be sourced new. The choices are to rob them from a 4cyl in the junkyard because they don't have the heat soak issue, or switch to the newer Bosch style of connector.

Every connector except for the 96-98 Injectors and cam sensor plug can be sourced new. I would expect to need injector connectors on 99-01 harnesses and maybe another connector or two, but needing to strip it down to skeleton status and replace everything is just something I have never encountered yet. I try my best to make a harness look brand new when I ship it, but if everything had to be replaced it just wouldn't be profitable.

I haven't had any issues with used injectors but there are people that have. I would let them soak in cleaner for a week before installing if they have been sitting for a while but I have never bothered with having them rebuilt. Personally, I would rather trust 30 year old OEM Ford sensors over anything purchased aftermarket. The parts offered by the aftermarket seem to be decreasing exponentially in quality year after year. Newer does not equate to better. New o2 sensors are a good idea and any sensor that might test out of range should be replaced but I would wait for the Ford stuff to die before replacing with aftermarket.
I'm noting Az specific heat problems with plastics and insulation. I never had a wire from the 90's not crack, or a plastic connector not break.

And I am saying, it's easy to replace with new.


Bronco Guru
Nov 3, 2003
What type of long-term success are people seeing with the Sniper EFI systems or similar? I want it to run well, start good when cold and perhaps pick up some MPG although not real worried about that.
I think it's still hit or miss with many of the installs. Some have zero issues with tuning or running as expected, while others are still dealing with problems, both large and small, years into the project.
Some issues with fuel pumps, RFI, consistency of tuning, cheap imported modern parts like TPS and sensor quality, etc.
Who is the current leader in TBI systems that work, all the time and have tech support?
No consensus here either I don't think. Other than Holley tends to have the most positive comments about their customer service aspect.
The new Sniper 2 has promise, but I don't remember anyone here having theirs up and running yet. Not that many people have even reported buying them yet either, if I'm not mistaken. Too new, and too many bad tastes in mouths from the previous version. Most to do with electrical interference, if I'm reading things correctly.
Time will tell...

The fact that the Sniper 2 has the ECU mounted in a completely different location, is what most are pinning their hopes on. I think Engine Masters did a show on TBI, and I think they were using the Sniper 2. Good results, but then they usually do when putting it on a Chevy motor, or anything where the distributor was not in the front like ours are.
Plenty of success stories with RFI shielding for the ECU, but that's something that most would not, or should not, have to deal with.



New Member
Dec 17, 2017
^^^ agree with Paul. My Sniper 1 took me several months to learn, then the unit took a a little time to "learn" once I properly adjusted and installed the RFI shield. I'm very satisfied with my Sniper now, maintenance free for almost a year. The great part about the Sniper series is there is tons of great customer service, tech info, and how-to vids to get it dialed in to your liking. I enjoyed the learning and education of this EFI system. Not a sponsor or affiliated with Holley.... just saying! haha
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