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Search results

  1. msommer001

    Fuel Door and Bucket Installation

    Understood. Maybe the best bet would be to just go to the 23 gallon tank. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. msommer001

    Fuel Door and Bucket Installation

    That looks awesome. Great work. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. msommer001

    Fuel Door and Bucket Installation

    Thanks, these are what I needed. I am having a hard time locating the rear fender that has the opening for the gas door. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. msommer001

    Fuel Door and Bucket Installation

    Can any 1977 owners send me a few photos of the gas door, open, closed, close up? I am looking for how it looks at the point the bucket meets the fender. Thanks Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. msommer001

    Fuel Door and Bucket Installation

    Yes, still have the poly tank. The neck length is different from the 76, since the 77 has gas doors, it is shorter…I think. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. msommer001

    Fuel Door and Bucket Installation

    Hello, I have a 1977 bronco but the fuel neck installed by the previous is from a 1976, so yes it sticks out. I want to install the correct fuel neck bucket, door, and other parts but was not able to find much on the topic. The aux tank has not been installed so I plan to do the same, install...
  7. msommer001

    Brake Warning Light Testing

    I got a new switch, tested it before I fully installed and then installed if fully each time the brake warning light lit up when key was in the start position. For now this is done…now on to the next project. Thanks again for all the input and guidance along the way. Sent from my iPhone...
  8. msommer001

    Brake Warning Light Testing

    When the switch is installed I have good ground on the back housing of the ignition switch. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. msommer001

    Brake Warning Light Testing

    I was able to get into the garage. Replaced the ignition switch and tested before I reinstalled. Brake warning light lit when I bumped the key into the start position. I put it all back together and for some reason the warning light would not light up. I did a bunch of testing and it seems...
  10. msommer001

    Brake Warning Light Testing

    Ignition switch arrived today. Install tonight. I will report back. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. msommer001

    Brake Warning Light Testing

    Good morning, I was able to do a bit more on this today. With the in the “ON” position, I grounded the brake warning housing, bulb did not illuminate. Then I grounded the point that the violet with white strip wire connect to the bulb socket, the bulb illuminated. I previously checked the back...
  12. msommer001

    Brake Warning Light Testing

    Based on all of this is there a good step by step method to troubleshoot a non working brake warning light. I understand that there could be a few different reasons the warning light would not light up but I am looking for some guidance on troubleshooting. I started with the easiest thing and...
  13. msommer001

    Brake Warning Light Testing

    I appreciate the photo. This helps me understand how this all works. I will report back once I get the ignition switch changed. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. msommer001

    Brake Warning Light Testing

    I will replace the ignition switch to see if that corrects my issue. Ultimately, I want to use this light for the emergency brake. Since grounding the purple/white wire turns on the bulb. I should be able to use a ground switch at the emergency brake bracket to ground the wire and light the...
  15. msommer001

    Brake Warning Light Testing

    I was able to do a bit more testing today. I checked in back of the ignition switch where the purple/white wire connects for ground. Ran a circuit testers from the positive side of the battery and it did not light up when the key was “on” or when I bumped the starter. I did have ground at the...
  16. msommer001

    Parking Brake Front Cable

    Thank you all for the input. I was able to locate the parts and installed them this past weekend. Now I am working to get the brake warning light functional and then I plan to add the emergency brake warning light mod so that I don’t smoke the brake by forgetting that I set the emergency...
  17. msommer001

    Brake Warning Light Testing

    Do this with the ignition in the “on” position? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. msommer001

    Brake Warning Light Testing

    Okay. I will try that. I did run a light tester from the positive side of the battery to the brake warning light bezel and it lit up so I believe I have a good ground to the brake warning light. I probably should change the bulb, just to rule out the easy stuff first. Thanks again for the...
  19. msommer001

    Brake Warning Light Testing

    I need some help on the ways I can test my brake warning light. I know that these lights have been problematic but want to do some testing to see if I can get it functional. I did read this posting but I need a bit more detail. Brake warning light...
  20. msommer001

    Parking Brake Front Cable

    I am looking for some information on parking brake cables, specifically the front one. I have found a threaded and non thread version. Can someone help me understand why they are different or provide one image of each installed. Thanks for the help, Mark. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk