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Search results

  1. R

    Newbie with 67 U14 Bronco

    thank you!
  2. R

    Newbie with 67 U14 Bronco

    Bronco67 When I get to spot welding in the new panels will I need gas with my mig welder ?
  3. R

    Newbie with 67 U14 Bronco

    The plan is to do just that once I get some of these vette projects done. Then into the paint booth to make it look pretty. Now that the picture thing is fixed I can keep my progress coming. RVZIO
  4. R

    Newbie with 67 U14 Bronco

    I will be putting it back to original in my shop. Then into the paint booth to make it look purty!
  5. R

    Newbie with 67 U14 Bronco

    Ok, I think I have a few more pictures so here we go. The one picture of me pointing in the rear bed it seams both corners are very good and there is a seam their for the bed bottom. So my guess is I will be removing spot welds there on both sides as well as across the back. Front of the bottom...
  6. R

    Newbie with 67 U14 Bronco

    pictures Wow, finally got the pictures right. Had to use a different browser. Do over!
  7. R

    classic bronco

    picture test
  8. R

    Newbie with 67 U14 Bronco

    Bronco67 Thanks Okie, wasn't going to get into what I would call a bolt perfect restore but I do want to know if things like you mentioned are correct to that model year. Appreciate the input. RVZIO
  9. R

    Newbie with 67 U14 Bronco

    Thank you, now right side up my question is this a standard motor for this year Bronco? Stock air cleaner, just trying to learn. All normal stuff? Thank You RVZIO
  10. R

    project tetanus build thread.

    What a great build thread with great pictures. Something I have yet to figure out. Nice work and I see you use the engine hoist for many things. 8-) RVZIO
  11. R


    test of picture
  12. R

    Newbie with 67 U14 Bronco

    I think right now I am leaning more towards keeping it original. Since it's my 1st one I want to see more before modding one.
  13. R

    Newbie with 67 U14 Bronco

    vette test
  14. R

    picture test

    vette picture test
  15. R

    picture test

    Going to turn a picture up side down and then post it to see what it does.
  16. R

    Newbie with 67 U14 Bronco

    Posting the pictures is most annoying. Maybe I should put the picture upside dpwn and then post it. Would it come out right side up?
  17. R

    Newbie with 67 U14 Bronco

    Today I got a chance to go into the side garage and take a picture of the engine and compartment. Do things look kind of normal to those who know? RVZIO
  18. R

    Newbie with 67 U14 Bronco

    Thank you for fixing the picture, I thought it looked right when I looked at it. Looks like new tools need to be gotten, yeah! Thanks Yup, the corvette body offs had some issues but all in all the 2 post unit works great and I also got tired of working om the floor at my age. Probably...
  19. R

    Newbie with 67 U14 Bronco

    https://classicbroncos.com/forums/attachment.php?atthttps://classicbroncos.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=477857&stc=1&d=1557532287achmentid=477856&stc=1&d=1557532287 My Bronco and the shop at my home.
  20. R

    Newbie with 67 U14 Bronco
