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Search results

  1. R

    Softopper (another soft top option?)

    I wish someone would make a top that looks like the factory one But folds down almost effortlessly like the wranglers,
  2. R

    New Bronco - press conf from Ford

    I hope wild horses or someone is making some flares that have the proper shape It looks like Toyota should be sending a cease and desist letter for copying the FJ Cruiser
  3. R

    Early Bronco Sightings

    Saw this one in Marietta GA
  4. R

    New Bronco - press conf from Ford

    Read it again. —One- of the best In the top ten for sure And definitely a loony tune
  5. R

    New Bronco - press conf from Ford

    Because Only rich people can afford a fancy golf cart as a automobile. Good actor though And I can separate the artist from the art. Makes me no never mind if an artist is a flaming liberal hypocrite or a nut job. Tom cruise is a total and complete nut job, but he’s one of the best actors...
  6. R

    My woods find, 69 and 73

    Any other cool cars in there ?
  7. R

    New Bronco - press conf from Ford

    Ford sells yesterday’s news to us in the states. The rest of the world gets the latest and greatest vehicles.
  8. R

    New Bronco - press conf from Ford

    I thought hanks was into fiat 500s or mini coopers or something ?
  9. R

    Vintage Air/BC Broncos

    I’d get the money back while you can
  10. R

    Vintage Air/BC Broncos

    You still need to get your money back It’s doubtful your ever going to get the AC unit .
  11. R

    Vintage Air/BC Broncos

    If they charged your credit card in December and you haven’t received it yet You need to do a chargeback ASAP .
  12. R

    3 & 6 ton Jack Stands RECALL - Harbor Freight

    Exactly why a big disability insurance is more important than life insurance If you get killed your family loses your income If you get seriously injured and disabled Your family has lost your income and now has to still take care of you, change your diapers etc
  13. R

    Engine ideas...

    Who makes the engine for rock auto ?
  14. R

    New Bronco - press conf from Ford

    The flares need to look like the flares everyone installs on the EBs I understand the pushback date First covid and now riots and looting everywhere. They won’t get two seconds airtime in the next month .
  15. R

    New Bronco - press conf from Ford

    Haven’t driven one Heard one go by, sounded like a riced up Honda with a fart can
  16. R

    Vintage Air/BC Broncos

    This should be popular with other cars as well I’ve installed vintage air in a 76 K10 and a 64 Falcon and both of them used up a significant portion of the glove box Since the turds at the fedgov and turds at trout unlimited closed tellico there is nowhere to trail ride near me I’ve though...
  17. R

    SOLD SOLD - '68 Coyote Luber Restomod - SOLD

    I saw a 66 Thunderbird on BaT a while back Owner had $156k in receipts And sold it at no reserve for $19k I would have bought it but didn’t pay attention to the auction once I saw what they had spent building it. I figured it would bring a lot more than that...
  18. R

    Which poweplant?

    Why stroke a 302 when you can just buy a 351W ? And get the roller cam version. Your sniper and trans should bolt up Might need a different flywheel/flex plate ?
  19. R

    New Bronco - press conf from Ford

    I hope some vendor is working on fender flares that look like Bronco flares and not wrangler/FJ cruiser I think y’all have your hopes way too high. The pics look like. FJCruiser or Wrangler depending on the angle. If there’s any tribute to Bronco in there I can’t see it. Gonna be too...
  20. R

    Early Bronco Security Add-ons

    Two of My three classic vehicles have hidden push buttons for the starter One is in series with the key so you have to do em both at the same time And the other has a push button The ign switch is wired for crank/run but not crank AND run. The starter will run with the gin switch but...