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Search results

  1. R

    Has Ford lost their mind

    The entire country has lost its mind. Allowing China , a communist country that hates us, to manufacture 97% of medical masks and pharmaceuticals, and medicine just to save a few bucks is really really stupid Saw a story the other day about a place in Texas I think that makes medical masks...
  2. R

    What have you done to your Bronco today?

    Replaced the front shock bushings. Tried to tighten the nut on the pitman arm, cause I noticed the arm had a little movement. Had wrenches and sockets that were too big and too small but none the right size.
  3. R

    What have you done to your Bronco today?

    Yeah the traffic sucks That was part of the deal with us moving to Atlanta, Had to get a house with trees and privacy. When I was a kid we lived 6 miles from the closed paved road. And later we moved to a house on a paved road but next closest house was 3 miles one way and 17 miles the other...
  4. R

    What have you done to your Bronco today?

    Thanks We bought it for the trees I wanted some space and privacy and lots of trees I didn’t really care what kind of house or what condition. It was past being a fixer upper, it was a tear downer , but we couldn’t afford to tear it down and rebuild. It had a lot of rotten structural...
  5. R

    Windshield support ??

    If you want to use a bikini top you have to rig up some kind of brace to the roll bar
  6. R

    What have you done to your Bronco today?

    Washed it. Neighbor drove his EB over to show the progress he’s made . Took the top and doors off Installed some flares
  7. R

    New Bronco - press conf from Ford

    Paid volunteers??
  8. R

    Considering a big block

    A stock 351W bolts right in and has plenty of torque and HP Put the 390 in something else Like a 66 Thunderbird convertible
  9. R

    Why no 3.5 Ecoboost swaps?

    Why do all that work for something that sounds like a Honda Accord ? The new raptors and expeditions all have the six cylinder and sound like a worn out 82 Chevy S-10. That was one thing I loved about the tundra I drove , when you Floored the pedal, it sounded great, even with the factory...
  10. R

    Why would both turn signals blink?

    Are both rear lights blinking Or just the fronts ? Try removing one of the front bulbs Might have an issue with the new harness somehow
  11. R

    71 U15 Isuzu Diesel Build

    Nice build
  12. R

    New Bronco - press conf from Ford

    When I drive a tundra the roll down rear window was very handy I liked it in my 4 runner too
  13. R

    New Bronco - press conf from Ford

    Whose gonna be the first biz to make the fender flares that Ford should have put on this ugly duckling ? Looks like an FJ cruiser to me
  14. R

    CA In search of 66-75 Title

    Boyd Coddington got in the spotlight for falsely stating the value of the vehicles he built/ modified to save on taxes paid to the California dmv by using Alabama titles or something The best thing for the OP to do is buy a compete rusted smashed junker EB that comes with a title And “restore...
  15. R


    There’s plenty of original style ones for sale here and there Mine seem to fit ok But every EB is a little different Someone was making them with the interior part built in
  16. R

    Custom spare tire mount location

    Nice work !
  17. R

    Ford dealer using early Bronco as a prop.

    Local Volkswagen dealer near me has their entire showroom full of vintage beetles and micro busses with a new Jetta jammed in the middle
  18. R

    New Bronco - press conf from Ford

    Wish they would do the fender openings like the EB The round ones look kinda meh
  19. R

    SOLD SOLD - '68 Coyote Luber Restomod - SOLD

    Wow Nice work ! Nice EBs are bringing very big $$ on Bring a Trailer https://bringatrailer.com/listing/1973-ford-bronco-19/
  20. R

    What have you done to your Bronco today?

    Start a thread for it I’m considering it on my 65 Falcon wagon My EB has the mustang EFI