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Search results

  1. SpareParts

    MO Bronco Family Cage Kits

    Another kit shipped out to Mississippi today! Thanks Tracy!
  2. SpareParts

    Ocbr 2018

    Don’t waste your time going to D-Day again. There wasn’t anything there but a couple of hill climbs. One of these days I’d like to get back out to Kansas Rocks... maybe Turtle Creek? Might be a long weekend trip to both parks?
  3. SpareParts

    What have you done to your Bronco today?

    Who’s Saginaw pump bracket is that? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  4. SpareParts

    Early Bronco Coloring Books with a cause

    That’s great to hear.
  5. SpareParts

    What have you done to your Bronco today?

    If they offer for you to keep it at a discounted price and you don’t want it, I might be interested in it.
  6. SpareParts

    Ocbr 2018

    Where I park, it isn’t a “camp” site. I park next to them and dry dock. It’s close enough to the bathrooms to use them. I don’t need electricity, the camper is good for 3-4 days with out starting the truck. Around Friday I start it up and let the batteries recharge for a 1/2 an hour or so.
  7. SpareParts

    Ocbr 2018

    I'll be there as usual, staying in my camper as well!
  8. SpareParts

    Quarter Panel Armor?

    I hear that!!!
  9. SpareParts

    MO Bronco Family Cage Kits

    Cages are still available! We have a couple from the previous run left.
  10. SpareParts

    Quarter Panel Armor?

    Last Ike good Skiddy!!
  11. SpareParts

    Wheeling video from last weekend at Disney, OK and from SMORR too!

    Thanks guys, I like being able to relive the trips and show others what they are missing!
  12. SpareParts

    Wheeling video from last weekend at Disney, OK and from SMORR too!

    Ask and you shall receive!! Here’s the video from SMORR. BwqEVmzUjfw
  13. SpareParts

    Wheeling video from last weekend at Disney, OK and from SMORR too!

    All of it is open from what I’ve known...
  14. SpareParts

    Wheeling video from last weekend at Disney, OK and from SMORR too!

    Like Dave said... we are from all over. I’m almost in St. Louis... Gordon Bailie is from Tulsa along with Tim White and Steve Sharp. Howiepalooza at SMORR will be the next run. We are all on Facebook if you are on it... Oklahoma Classic Broncos or MCBC for Missouri Classic Bronco Crawlers.
  15. SpareParts

    Early Bronco Coloring Books with a cause

    That’s awesome!!! Glad to be a part of that.
  16. SpareParts

    Quarter Panel Armor?

    Mine are 33 lbs per side.
  17. SpareParts

    Quarter Panel Armor?

    Worth every bit of weight...
  18. SpareParts

    What have you done to your Bronco today?

    Thanks Tiko, it is nice when you finally switch to rope Dave, I did it a year ago with Custom Splice’s rope.