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Search results

  1. SpareParts

    2000 Explorer OBD II Transplant

    I gained 4 mpg with my EFI swap. Up to 14 with 4.10's and 37's.
  2. SpareParts

    MO Family Cage Kits Forsale

    They clear the standard electric wipers, the glove box will need one of the modifications to clear. With the e-brake, as almost all cages, you have to take out the first bolt and loosen the back one. Move the petal on an angle and redrill the front hole. The soft top bows on a Rampage top...
  3. SpareParts

    MO Family Cage Kits Forsale

    I'm not planning on it, but I might be able to find a ride for one to there. If I get a couple sold to there, I'll make the trip.
  4. SpareParts

    MO Family Cage Kits Forsale

    Bent another couple cages up this weekend. Shipping one out to Oklahoma today.
  5. SpareParts

    MO Family Cage Kits Forsale

    Tax Returns are coming in... don't forget about that cage you've been needing!!
  6. SpareParts

    Yeller's Broncno Build: New Adventures!

    Looks good! One of these days I'll get around to updating my wheels too.. Yours look cool.
  7. SpareParts

    this week 40 years ago ........

    Very cool! Thanks for sharing.
  8. SpareParts

    CB Member Bronco Youtube playlist thread

    Number 8 and 26 are of the same video in you list ... OCBR 2013 https://youtu.be/cfCIfRetNXU?list=PLB6dgR2go6mYru_6qrjpfMXdX8XNsHmar HowiePalooza 2013 https://youtu.be/zlYDuLkzGV0 Last one... there's a ton more, but these are the better ones, Moab 2015...
  9. SpareParts

    CB Member Bronco Youtube playlist thread

    Playing in the snow part 2 https://youtu.be/zbwqKaooLVs
  10. SpareParts

    CB Member Bronco Youtube playlist thread

    Playing in the snow Pt. 1 https://youtu.be/XGFlCUTAVrM
  11. SpareParts

    CB Member Bronco Youtube playlist thread

    Here's the Escalator at Moab. https://youtu.be/cRV15kO5Oz4
  12. SpareParts

    CB Member Bronco Youtube playlist thread

    Here's one from Moab, High Dive. https://youtu.be/fUIbhk8s7iw
  13. SpareParts

    CB Member Bronco Youtube playlist thread

    Here's a link to my YouTube channel... there's a bunch of pics on it. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6KCG8yAlMVuS0sLRLig6qQ
  14. SpareParts

    Raising Center Console Ideas?

    One day I'll get around to building one for mine... Mine you are going to be able to step on and walk over to get into the back seat.
  15. SpareParts

    Rally Race

    Glad your ok...
  16. SpareParts

    SpareParts Build Thread...Linked and tons!

    Thanks, that means a lot. I'm glad it helps others as well as pushes me to make it better.
  17. SpareParts

    SpareParts Build Thread...Linked and tons!

    New bump stops are in, now to get them dialed in.
  18. SpareParts

    MO Family Cage Kits Forsale

    It's going in Taylors...here's the color.