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  1. SpareParts

    Howiepalooza 2017 video.... wet as usual!

  2. SpareParts

    What have you done to your Bronco today?

    I haven't tore into it yet... it started to get a lot of blow by and using oil. So before I did any damage, I pulled it and put my other one in. Different cam and a lot smaller heads. Still runs good, but don't have the same tone or snap that the other one has. Yes to Howiepalooza!!
  3. SpareParts

    What have you done to your Bronco today?

    Spare motor is install and up and running!
  4. SpareParts

    MO Family Cage Kits Forsale

    Another batch of cages are done... just in time for those Tax refunds!
  5. SpareParts

    My 6pt Cage install

    We just finished up another batch! They are packaged and ready to ship out.
  6. SpareParts

    My 6pt Cage install

    Definitely a different twist! Make sure you send me some pics of the finished product.
  7. SpareParts

    Money Pit - Phase III

    Looking good!
  8. SpareParts

    BRONCO Discount code!

    Thanks for supporting the Classic Bronco Community!!
  9. SpareParts

    MO Family Cage Kits Forsale

    The next run is going to be the exact same. We've sold close to 40 of the kits with no complaints, this last time we tweaked a few notches....nothing you would be able to tell unless you had two side by side. It just cleaned up a couple joints.
  10. SpareParts

    My 6pt Cage install

    Here's a link to the ad, http://classicbroncos.com/forums/showthread.php?t=271817 Thanks again for the support!
  11. SpareParts

    In an accident and I am lucky to be alive

    Glad to hear your ok... seat belts and roll cages save lives! I won't move mine with out them.
  12. SpareParts

    My 6pt Cage install

    Any progress??
  13. SpareParts

    Arbs and passenger side seal leak question

    I completely agree... sucks to have to completely disassemble the front end to fix it, but that's the way to fix it.
  14. SpareParts

    Quarter panel guards.

    That no problem.. you have them on your FB page, just not your website.
  15. SpareParts

    My 6pt Cage install

    Thanks again! Make sure to post a bunch of pics!
  16. SpareParts

    Quarter panel guards.

    If you want to add mine to your gallery, feel free. I can get some of the build and paint pics for you if you would like. My email is below if your interested. David sparepartseb@gmail.com
  17. SpareParts

    Explorer OBD2 Harness Re-work

    Yep, I'm sure he will be pleased with it when I'm done.
  18. SpareParts

    What have you done to your Bronco today?

    Awesome pics Steve! I still haven't seen the 2nd pic in person.
  19. SpareParts

    MO Family Cage Kits Forsale

    We've got one cage left of this batch....HREW. We'll do another run soon though. Shipped one to California and Mississippi last week, Oklahoma the week before that. One is in route to Indiana right now. Thanks for all the orders!
  20. SpareParts

    Explorer OBD2 Harness Re-work

    Received another harness to install yesterday... Gary, as usual does a great job putting these together!