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Search results

  1. Prizefighter

    Harbor Blue Build Thread

    I like this build. Good progress, keep it coming.
  2. Prizefighter

    How to on CB

    Subscribe to the thread. At one time I was subscribed to about 70+ lol.
  3. Prizefighter

    CA Bronco luggage rack (custom)

    You can post pictures if you join as a contributor for $12. It should really help your sale if you post pictures.
  4. Prizefighter

    SOLD 3 Broncos

    Seeing these prices feels like we went back in time about 10 years.
  5. Prizefighter

    SOLD Vintage Ford Grill Letters

    To mark it sold click on “Forum Tools” and a drop down menu will show “Mark as Sold”
  6. Prizefighter

    Black Friday deals?

    I am not sure Duff’s is on sale yet. I think those items were already free shipping?
  7. Prizefighter

    New Bronco - press conf from Ford

    Everything that I've read or heard indicates that Ford is taking this seriously. They want to get this right. They know how huge this rerelease of the Bronco could be. The baby Bronco that we've seen is Ford's switch vehicle, a vehicle that will be sold to those who want the Bronco but cannot...
  8. Prizefighter

    New Bronco - press conf from Ford

    Some of these guys are just too hard core and won't be happy unless it is an exact copy of the 66-77 Bronco lol. What you said about the safety standards is 100% right. All of Ford's classics have evolved to what they are today and nobody is complaining. The 2019 Mustang and F-150 are much...
  9. Prizefighter

    Black Friday deals?

    Tom's currently and Duff's soon according to social media!
  10. Prizefighter

    Scoop's 72 Patina Build

    Good find!
  11. Prizefighter

    SOLD 1970 F250 Crew Cab 4x4 Project

    This is really clean truck, and very cool 8-)
  12. Prizefighter

    My second Bronco... Crawler build...

    Bump. Wake up thread. Time to get this build going again. Go buy some Red Bull and turn a wrench 8-)
  13. Prizefighter

    Anyone See this!?

    He had 70 3-speed manual transmissions. Sounds about right. 70...
  14. Prizefighter

    FL Super Duty Dana 60

    Shipping to 75455 or 75503?
  15. Prizefighter

    AR OCBR 18' Parts Sale/Trade/Want

    I’m looking for a 351m/400 4 barrel intake!!
  16. Prizefighter

    SOLD Mint Early Bronco orange back seat

    Very nice! This is from an Explorer package correct?
  17. Prizefighter

    1971 U14 Build

    Hindsight is 20/20. I would've kept this a trail rig and made upgrades one at a time if I could go back. Ah well, it will be sweet when it's finished. Almost two years since I've updated but not much has changed.
  18. Prizefighter

    Bought a Bronco I used to know 20 years ago

    Jak's Restoration in Greenbrier, AR 501-733-4306
  19. Prizefighter

    Bought a Bronco I used to know 20 years ago

    Sold this Bronco to buy a house. I will keep posting pictures of John's work until it's done since I still have another Bronco at his shop and will get to see the progress... I'm sad because it was going to be my dream Bronco but family comes first.
  20. Prizefighter

    Last 77 ?

    The 77 that was in our family for 21 years had a VIN of U15GLY74469 and was produced June 2, 1977 according to the Marti Report. Not the last since they went into the 8000s but getting near the end.