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Search results

  1. N

    408 Stroker

    Hey thanks a lot for all the replies!! Here's a couple other questions for you guys- I'm lookin at a comp cams# 35-239-3 Xtreme 4x4 Flat tappit cam, with a set of AFR 185cc heads, and Sealth dual plain intake. I want something that i can run pump gas for a daily driver, but want some 35" tire...
  2. N

    408 Stroker

    Hey Guy's this question is for the Stroker comunity, I'm going to build a 408 and was wondering if anyone has built one and used the serpentine pulley system off of the 5.0 Explorer, or is it even possible? I have the pulley system already but i'm not sure if it will work with the stroker crank...
  3. N

    351w flowkooler (which one??)

    Morning everyone- I'm just starting a 351 build, getting all my gear together and here's my question~ I'm installing the 5.0 serpintine system from a 96 Explorer, I want to install a Floowkooler water pump. My engine is a 84, so which water pump do i actualy order?? Do i order a 84' 351w, or a...
  4. N

    351w explorer serpentine swap question???

    Hey guys thanx for getting back to me on this!! I figured it might be a hard question, I also appreciate the extras about electric fuel pump and will deffinatly take the advice! just curious as to what radiator you guys are running and if your using the fan from the explorer or a electric...
  5. N

    351w explorer serpentine swap question???

    Hi Bronco Fans- 1st time on here asking a question, and new to this site. Today a hit a salvage yard and struck gold. I picked up a 351w an AOD and the complete assembly for the explorer 5.0 serpentine assembly for under $300.00 ,My question is since the explorer timing cover is slimmer since...